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The people we meet in intense scenarios tend to be the people that leave the most impact on our lives. Why the fuck is "intense scenarios" so vague? What even is an intense scenario? 

Is it a scene straight out of a teen drama film? Is it the climax in the plot of any good motivational movie? Perhaps, it's a tragic event similar to the ending of a Shakespeare play. If it were the later of the three possibilities, would the impact that said person makes on our lives be worth it? 

For me, I met Ethan while experiencing a tragedy of my own. Because if it weren't for the tragic death of my best friend, I would have never met him. 

I wouldn't quite say it was worthwhile. I lost my best friend, what would you expect me to say? However, what I will admit is that I wouldn't change a God damn thing.

Ethan gave me the most heated summer of my life. One that I'd never forget. One that changed me as a person. Things happen for a reason. And I met him for a reason.

four months prior to meeting Ethan

I wanted to scream as I sat with my back against the large tree, my face buried into the palms of my hand. Tears trailed down my cheek as silent sobs escaped my lips. My soaked hair clung against my back. 

Thunder stroke, causing me to jump. My breathing uneven, I shivered as I sat under the tree "sheltering" me from the storm. Frustration rushed through veins as I waited for Wes to pick me up.

Approaching headlights lit up the street as Wes' car pushed through puddles of rain, spraying water across the road. A sniffle escaped me as my eyes followed his car. His car slowed down and parked in front of the tree.

"Come here," Wes spoke softly as he pulled me into a warm hug, the light scent of his cologne instantly calming me. "It's okay, Naomi, shh," he cooed.

"How could he do this to me?" 

My sobs were loud as I clung onto my best friend with everything I had left. My heart shattered. He didn't even know half of what happened that night; I was yet to tell him the full extent of everything.

"Parker has the IQ of a hog. You're not boring, he's just a hormone-controlled jerk who only wanted to get in your pants. You're not even going to remember him when you're an astronaut up in mars chillin' with some Martians," he told me in attempt to comfort me with his humor.

A weak laugh escaped my lips. I shook my head against his shoulder. His ability to make me laugh with the stupidest things during my lowest moments never failed.

"There she is. Always laughing." Wes smiled softly. "C'mon, let's go. You're going to catch a cold," referring to the rain, he told me.

When we climbed into his car, our playlist played lightly through the car speakers. I kept my head low and fiddled with my fingers as Wes reached into the back for a towel. He wrapped it around me and smiled reassuringly.

It was the little things.

"Tomorrow, when we get to school. I want you to dress your best and strut right passed him. Don't even look at him. Don't even think about it being valentine's day or not having a valentine. I'll get you chocolate and candy and all that. You don't need no stank ass valentine when I'm your best friend."

"Okay," I sniffled as I nodded my head.

"He's an idiot, I'm telling you, Naomi. You're so smart, positive, caring, funny! Fuck, you're the smartest person I've met. You're too good to be so down over him." Wes went on, "For crying out loud, he smelt like he caught the "cheese touch" or some shit! There I said it! I've been waiting to say that for two years! He smells like the moldy cheese from Diary of a Wimpy Kid!"

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