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E M P T Y - S P A C E

A grin rested on Dallas' face as we watched an early 2000's comedy from Netflix. He found it amusing, and quite frankly so did I. Only difference was, I didn't show it. But I was, in fact, entertained by the movie. It was just that my mind would wonder to other--less comedic lets just say--things every now. My mind ruined everything.

One of the characters made a cheesy joke, only causing a loud escape to leave Dallas' mouth. He shook his head in amusement once he calmed down before turning towards me.

"Oh, c'mon Naomi! That was funny!" He chuckled.

"It was," I agreed with a simple nod of my head.

"Aren't you hungry? You haven't eaten since you arrived. There's this really good pizza place down the block, I could run over and pick up a pizza for us if you'd like."

"That's okay, Dal. I don't have much of an appetite anymore. Actually, I'm kind of tired I think I might head to sleep."

"Finish the movie at least. Are you sure you're not hungry at all? I could get you anything you want to eat, you know that."

"Okay, I will. And yes, Dal, I'm sure."

"How about you go grab an apple or something from the fridge, you have to eat something, in the meanwhile I'll set Grayson's room up for you?" he told me.

I opened my mouth to protest but Dallas stopped me.

"I've seen this movie a thousand times. I don't care if I miss a couple of line. Besides, there's such thing as a remote."

"Okay, sounds good." I nodded, giving in before heading for the fridge to grab an apple as suggested.

Dallas paused the TV. He walked to what I would assume was Grayson's room, but as soon as his hand touched the door knob Ethan's door busted open.

"What are you doing?" Ethan furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes darted back and forth between both of Dallas' eyes. A 'v' forming between his eyebrows where his forehead creased from the tension in his facial expression.

"Getting Gray's room ready for Naomi to sleep in?" Dallas more questioned than answered.

"Why? Can't she sleep on the couch or something?"

"Are you kidding? No! Absolutely not. She needs a bed to sleep in, Ethan. How would you feel if you had to sleep on the couch for two months?"

"I'd suck it up."

"It shouldn't be a big deal. She's sleeping in there."

"No she's not. She cannot and will not. I won't let her, or anyone  sleep in his room, for that matter. Period."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm his brother and if he's not here to give permission, I'm going to make the decision for him, and I don't want anyone in there at all," Ethan shouted.

"Ethan," Dallas complained.

"Dallas," Ethan mimicked, his tone flooding with mockery.

With a roll of his eyes, Ethan returned into his room, slamming his door shut behind him.

"Looks like I'm taking the couch," Dallas sighed as he leaned his head back.

"Are you sure? I don't mind the couch, Dal. Really."

"No, you're the guest. I'll pick up an air mattress for you on the way home from class tomorrow. I'll just take the couch for tonight. Sleep in my room for tonight."

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