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I spun around to notice a girl with raven hair and kind, blue eyes staring back at me. She appeared to be around my age, perhaps a few years older. Her pin straight, dark hair was up to her shoulders and freckles lined across the bridge of her nose. 

There was a serious expression on her face.

Her hand rested gently on my shoulder as her eyes peered into my own. I never seen her before so I didn't know what to think when I noticed the random girl. My mouth fell a gape as we stood in the middle of a small pizza shop's girl's bathroom.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but notice how stressed out you seemed... You doing okay, girlie?" her voice rolled off her tongue softly.

"Y-yeah, uh, I'm okay," I reluctantly replied as I kept my eyes on the ground, not daring to make eye contact with the girl.

"That's not true and you n' I know it. But that's okay. It's fine to be non-okay sometimes," she spoke quietly.

"I know, but sometimes it doesn't feel that way," I told her truthfully as I leaned against the bathroom counter, "sometimes, it just that I feel like I have to be okay because that's what people want from me."

"Sure, people want you to be happy, but you can't always be happy and you can't force that to happen..." Her eyes were filled with sympathy.

"I'm at the point where I'm sick of being upset over everything that happened but I feel stuck in mys body... And then my ex had to tell me some fucked up shit. Of course, he had to just come and make me feel worse than I already do."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

" Oh, uh he broke up with me months ago because I wasn't ready to have... you know... And today he decided to call me a 'virgin Mary want to be head ass' and rubbed my best friend's death in my face..."

"Oh, shit" she gasped. "That's horrible I'm so sorry..."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

" He said that?"


"I figured he said something bad but damn. What a douchebag, man hoe, nasty waste of space?! Girl, be glad you don't have to deal with that anymore! Say 'bye bitch' and block him!" she preached. "If he's out here being hormones on legs and/or shaming you for not wanting to do sexual things with him, tell that boy 'bye'! And for the thing about your best friend, only an insecure boy filled with toxic masculinity would rub that kind of thing into anyone's face. He ain't shit! Block that rat!"

What she said caught me off guard. I didn't expect a speech from the innocent looking girl with innocent blue, but I wasn't complaining. The energy she gave off was something I needed. It was so... Beyoncé.

"You know what? I will." I told her as I pulled out my phone and blocked his number.

"Bye, Parker. Won't be missing you!"

"Be gone, douche!" Her laughter filled the room. "I'm Amira," she introduced herself.


"Okay, Naomi. A girl's got to pee, so here. I'm going to be in the city for a few more weeks, I believe, so I will be here for you! Here! Take my number just in case you need anything, and I mean anything, girlie"

The two of us exchanged numbers. I was genuinely happy to have a girl I could talk to. Sure, I could talk to Dallas or Ethan, but they wouldn't understand certain things. I needed a female friend and I hadn't even noticed. Who would've thought?

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