The Curse

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The cave was dark, water trickling down the walls. A cold breeze blew through the tunnel, causing the hairs on the back of Yoongi's neck to stand up. Shadows loomed on the walls creating menacing creatures that seemed to be watching Yoongi and the crewmates he'd brought along with him. A drop of water landed on Yoongi's skin and he felt a shiver go down his spine.

When he'd heard about some mysterious treasure located on a distant island, this wasn't what he was expecting. He'd planned for searching on the surface through the wilderness in the sunlight and more digging than he could cope with. What he didn't plan for was traipsing through a murky dark cave in the hope of coming across some sort of treasure, for all they knew they could have walked past it already due to the fact no one could see anything.

Yoongi could feel the rocky surface beneath his feet and felt his blood run colder the further they ventured into the cave. The sound of bats roosting in the crevices could be heard above him. The wind blowing through the cave made it sound like someone was whispering in Yoongi's ear, making him want to cover them and block out all the sounds. Around him, the footfalls of his crew could be heard echoing through the tunnel.

Behind him Jungkook tripped over one of the many loose rocks that littered the ground, sending him crashing into Yoongi's back. Yoongi stumbled forward, grabbing onto the slimy wall to steady his balance and flinching at how moist it was.

"Seriously Jungkook" Yoongi groaned, trying to shake the moisture of his hand, before giving up and wiping it on his trousers.

"Sorry bro" Jungkook apologised. "Didn't mean too, it would help if we were able to see where we were going" Jungkook threw an accusing eye over at Namjoon, who did look rather sheepish and had been apologising for the last ten minutes. The group, looking back rather stupidly, put Namjoon in charge of the lantern that would provide them light for their journey. Unfortunately, he'd ended up dropping it on the floor within the first minute, leaving them with no light for the rest of the way.

"I didn't mean too!" Namjoon told them indignantly. "It was an accident" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Yes, we know that we got that from the first twenty times you've said it" he snapped, feeling his patience running thin.

"Guys come on there's no need to fight, surely we don't have much further" Taehyung chimed in, trying to defuse the tension before an argument broke out... again. Yoongi shot a glare over at Taehyung but conceded. Although he hated to admit it Taehyung was right, now was not the time or place to break out into a fight. Everyone was on edge due to the darkness and the fact no one had any idea where they were going or how long this cave went on for. If also didn't help that no one had eaten for several hours and they could all feel the effects weighing down on their bodies. The last thing anyone needed was an argument to dampen the mood further.

As they continued, Yoongi froze as he heard a noise in the distance. Yoongi went to hold up his hand to signal everyone to stop when he remembered the no one would be able to see him.

"Stop for a second" Yoongi called out and listened to the sound of footsteps coming to a stop. In the quiet Yoongi could hear the sound of water dripping into water, signalling that there was some sort of pool of water ahead. However without any kind of light source, it was impossible to tell how far away it was, the only thing they could do was rely on their ears. Yoongi turned to where he was pretty sure Namjoon was, judging by the shadow.

"Namjoon, how far away would you say that is?" He asked. There was a pause before Namjoon answered, whilst he was trying to calculate how far away the noise was.

"I'd say about a quarter of a mile, maybe less" he answered eventually. "It shouldn't take too long to reach it"

True to Namjoon's words, a few minutes later they could see a beam of light coming from an ivy-covered entrance.

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