Night Falls

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"What do you mean there's no port for miles?" Yoongi raged, slamming his fist down on his desk in anger.

"I'm sorry Yoongi, but the nearest island miles away. By the time we reach land Jungkook will be dead" Namjoon spoke calmly, but Yoongi could see the pain this was causing him in his eyes.

"Goddamn it," he growled. "So what are we meant to do, let him die?"

"Do you think I'm happy about this?" Namjoon asked. "I'm going to be honest with you Yoongi, I don't know what to do. The nearest port is over a week away and Jungkook doesn't have that long"

"How long does he have?"

"Judging by the mark and the way the countdown works, about five days at most, but even that might be pushing it," Namjoon told him looking defeated. Yoongi felt a pang of sympathy towards him.

"So we have some time to figure something out," Yoongi said desperately. Namjoon made his way over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I hate this as much as you, but I'm not sure if there's anything we can do" Yoongi looked up at Namjoon.

"There must be something" he whispered, feeling a lump growing in his throat. The idea of losing his brother washing over him, it made him want to scream.

"If I knew a way, trust me, I would tell you" Namjoon looked at him, tears gleaming in his eyes. Yoongi opened his mouth to say something when there was a loud knocking on his door.

Yoongi shot a glare in that direction, wondering who would dare knock on his door at a time like this. He was tempted to ignore it or tell whoever it was to leave him in peace. The knocking persisted and Yoongi groaned in annoyance, he didn't have time for this.

"What do you want?" Yoongi snapped, feeling his frustration growing. It opened slowly and Taehyung stuck his head around the door cautiously. Yoongi could see tear tracks down his face and sighed deeply, feeling slightly guilty for getting angry at him. He should have known that Taehyung would just as affected as him by everything happening.

"Hey guys" Taehyung whispered, his voice thick with tears. Yoongi knew the feeling, after seeing Jungkook so weak it was difficult not to cry.

"How are you feeling Tae?" Namjoon asked sympathy etched in his features.

"I'm alright, I guess, " he murmured, although he refused to look at them. Yoongi walked over and took his hand.

"You know you can be honest with us, you know that right?" Taehyung smiled slightly, but it looked forced.

"Yeah, I know, " he nodded. "When will we reach the port so we can cure Jungkook?" Yoongi and Namjoon glanced at each other.

"Tae" Namjoon began but hesitated. Taehyung looked at him in confusion.

"What? What's really going on? What aren't you telling me?" he asked desperately, looking between the two frantically.

"I've just been looking at the maps and we won't reach a port for another week" Namjoon revealed, watching Tehyung carefully. Taehyung opened and closed his mouth, unable to respond for a few moments.

"W-wha-what?" he stuttered. "But Jungkook doesn't have that long!" horror flooding his features.

"I know, trust me, I do. I wish I could tell you something different" Namjoon said sadly. Taehyung shook his head desperately, refusing to believe what he had been told. Yoongi watched him in pity, unsure how to comfort him as he was still reeling from the information.

"No, no I won't accept this. That's not fair" Taehyung exclaimed in anger. Namjoon reached out towards him, but Taehyung flinched away from him.

"Tae liste-" Yoongi began.

"I won't have this, I won't let him die" Taehyung cried.

"You think I want him to die?" Yoongi yelled, his patience finally snapping. "You think any of us do? He's my brother, my only family left. He's the most important person in my life and he's going to die and there's nothing I can do" Yoongi's voice had begun to break and he could feel the tears begin to trickle down his face.

He could feel his breathing speeding up and for the first time realised he was scared. He was terrified about the idea of losing Jungkook and the knowledge that he was helpless to do anything. He felt arms wrap around him tightly and looked behind him to see Namjoon holding him tight.

"It'll be ok, we'll get through this together. You won't be alone Yoongi" Namjoon told him gently. They stayed like that for a few minutes.

"What if there was another way" Taehyung spoke up suddenly. Namjoon and Yoongi both looked over at Taehyung quickly.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked, looking confused.

"I heard a rumour a while ago that there was a mysterious witch around these parts, they live on an island and has the magic to cure any curse," Taehyung told them, fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt nervously.

"You want to put the fate on Jungkook's life on a witch that we don't even know is real?" Namjoon said incredulously.

"Well, what else do you suppose we do? You were ready to give up. At least I'm providing some sort of solution" Taehyung argued, glaring at Namjoon.

"Tae I'm just saying that we could be wasting our time with this witch. Even if there is one who says they're going to help?" Namjoon reasoned.

"Well from what you've been saying, Jungkook's going to die anyway because we have no way of helping him" Taehyung spat.

Yoongi stood between them watching them argue helplessly. Usually, he'd be able to quell both their anger, but he was unsure what to do. On one hand, if Taehyung was right this witch could solve all their problems, however, Namjoon did have a point, they had no way of knowing if this witch existed and would help. Finally, Namjoon turned to Yoongi.

"What do you think Yoongi?" You're the captain and his brother, you should make the final decision" Yoongi looked at the pair, he could feel the stress of the last few days weighing on his mind. He knew either decision could lead to disaster, and neither one of them seemed like a good idea.

He could understand where they were both coming from. Both desperate to do what was best for Jungkook, but both having different ways of going about it. Namjoon wanting to play it safe and stick to what he knew, whereas Taehyung was prepared to take a massive risk to save his life.

Yoongi was torn on who to choose, but when Yoongi looked at Taehyung's face he couldn't turn away. The desperation was clear, etched into every part of him, but there was also a glint of hopefulness in his eyes. He could see his belief in this witch and knew that he would never be forgiven if he took that away from him. Knowing that the decision was clear to him.

"I think we should go to this island. Like you told me Namjoon, the nearest port is over a week away and this could be our only hope of saving Jungkook. I'd rather we try this to save him rather than regretting not taking the risk" Yoongi told them. "Also, let's not forget that Tae's usually correct about ridiculous stories that he's heard, so let's hope he's right about this one" Taehyung looked a Yoongi gratefully with a sincere smile. He moved forward and engulfed Yoongi in a hug, holding so him tight Yoongi was afraid for his ribs.

"Thank you" Taehyung whispered in his ear softly. "I promise this will work"

"What if the witch doesn't want to help us?" Namjoon asked.

"Then we'll make him" Yoongi replied firmly. "We won't let him say no. We aren't going to let Jungkook die, trust me" Taehyung slowly unlatched himself from Yoongi to look at him.

"I trust you Yoongi, we all do"

"Tae's right" Namjoon smiled softly. "There's no one I believe in more"

"More than Jin" Taehyung teased.

"Oh, hush, don't be a brat" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Thanks, I needed that after everything" Yoongi grinned. "Now let's go find this island"

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