Show Me the Stars

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Jimin led Yoongi to a large clearing, the grass soft beneath their feet. The moon shone down on them, illuminating the sky. Yoongi could feel his beating as Jimin pulled him along. He was surprised how strong he was.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded.

"I found this place during my first week on the island, it's perfect for stargazing. I always wanted to share it with someone, but no one ever seemed right until you came. I mean you don't have to like it obviously, you could hate looking at stars. We could go somewhere else if you want" he began to babble.

"I love looking at stars, this place looks beautiful" it was a lie, Yoongi had never gone stargazing in his life, not seeing the point of it, it was something Namjoon enjoyed. However if it made the worried look leave Jimin's face he would say anything.

"You get the best view of the stars here" Jimin pointed at the sky. "You can see Orion over there, the three stars in the diagonal line are Orion's belt. Rigels the bottom right and Betelgeuse top left" Yoongi squinted at the sky.

"There?" he asked, pointing to a random section in the sky.

"No," Jimin laughed, tilting Yoongi's slightly. "Over there" Yoongi felt Jimin's fingers brush against his cheek. Their gaze lingered on each other for a second. Jimin cleared his throat awkwardly.

"It just looks like a bunch of stars to me," Yoongi told him honestly. Jimin laughed.

"There are stories behind the stars, like Orion was a hunter and the son of Poseidon. I don't have any books here so I let the stars tell me their stories. They often intertwine with each other. There's another constellation called scorpius that supposedly killed him"

"There are a lot more stars in Daegu, where I grew up" he muttered to the blue headed boy beside him, "we should go stargazing there sometime" Jimin looked over at him.

"Maybe someday" he whispered, a slight smile on his face that didn't seem to reach his eyes. Yoongi couldn't help but feel like he was missing out on something.

"Are there any others you know?'' Yoongi asked. Jimin's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Of course, you know there's one called Andromeda, have you heard of it?" Yoongi shook his head. "She was the wife of Perseus and a princess. Perceus saved her life from a sea monster called Cetus. Athena was the one who immortalised them in the stars. It's quite romantic, don't you think?" Yoongi swallowed.

"Where did you learn all this?" Jimin smiled sadly, his gaze shifting towards the sky.

"My mother used to take me stargazing every night, she would tell me all the constellations and how to find them" he led Yoongi to the centre of the glade and lay down.

Beautiful, Yoongi thought as he watched Jimin talk about the night sky, his face tenderly illuminated by the silver moon. Yoongi listened as Jimin continued pointing out stars, but couldn't take his eyes off him.

He tried to turn his attention to the stars that Jimin was describing with affection, but his eyes didn't seem to be cooperating. Eventually he gave up and watched Jimin's eyes as they sparkled under the starlight.

"They're beautiful, right Yoongi?" Jimin smiled, looking over at him.

"Yeah, I've never seen anything like it" Yoongi murmured. Jimin laughed.

"The stars are up there" he pointed to the skies.

"I know" he whispered before he could stop himself. He could see Jimin turning red in the dim light. It was then Yoongi noticed how close they were and for a moment he wondered if they were going to kiss. Then Jimin pulled away slightly and continued talking, looking over at Yoongi a lot more often than before.

The air seemed to be singing to them as they lay there, whispering a soft melody that made Yoongi want to dance. He wondered if Jimin was doing this or if the island had magic itself inbedded in the very core, making impossible things happen without a thought. Yoongi felt like he was being watched by the stars above, twinkling with mischief as they gazed down on them. Somehow they made the sky above a sense of warmth in the cold abyss above. If he could he would pluck one and give it Jimin, despite knowing that it could never match his beauty.

Yet he couldn't help but compare him to a star, so enchanting yet out of his reach. He was a gem hidden in a mine of stones, like stars were like sure spilt on black marble. He watched over this island, like the constellations watched over the earth. He kept his secrets hidden, like the stars when the sun rose to a new day. Yet Yoongi could see him as a constant in his life, like the stars when they returned in the inky black sky.

He frowned, it was strange. He hadn't felt this was about anyone this strongly before. It was scary, but he didn't want to run away from it for once. He'd spent his whole life running, it was finally time to stop.

"Tell me more" he whispered. Jimin looked at him surprised before his expression turned to one of delight, his eyebrows quirking up.

"Sure" he murmured laying on the grass, motioning for Yoongi to follow.

They lay there for what seemed for hours, unbothered by the passing of time. Until the sun began to rise and sleep finally took their bodies.

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