In the Moonlight

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Jimin led Yoongi out of the hut and along a cobbled path surrounded by wildflowers. The soft sea breeze brushed across Yoongi's face and was able to taste the salt from the sea. It was surprisingly refreshing.

Yoongi could see himself finding this very peaceful, and could see why Jimin loved this place. It was different from the life he was used too, but there was a beauty in the tranquil nature before him.

They finally came to a stop at the edge of a cliff. Yoongi could see the vast expanse of the ocean from where he was standing. From this spot it would be obvious to see anyone approaching and Yoongi wondered if Jimin often stood here to see if anyone had come to see him.

"It's even more beautiful at night" came Jimin voice next to him. Yoongi closed his eyes, letting the sound of the sea envelop his senses.

"I can imagine" he eventually answered, still not opening his eyes.

"The stars are stunning and take up the whole sky. The waters becomes a mirror, reflecting the sky above, making it look like a sea of stars" Yoongi finally opened his eyes and looked at Jimin.

Jimin wasn't looking at him, but rather out to the ocean. His face seemed peaceful, lost in memories that Yoongi had to learn. There was something else lingering in his eyes that he couldn't quite figure out, like he longed for something the was just out of reach.

That thought seemed absurd to Yoongi. Jimin was a witch with more power in his pinky than most people had in their whole body, what could be out there that Jimin couldn't create himself.

"Do you come here often?" he asked. Jimin nodded, still not looking at him.

"Yes, sometimes at night I'll fall asleep here"

"Isn't that dangerous?" Yoongi frowned. Jimin laughed, as if the idea was crazy.

"Why would it be dangerous? I have the plants and animals to protect me, what could possibly hurt me?"

"Protect you?" Yoongi asked, confused.

"Yes, they watch over me. Keep me safe"

"How do they do that, can you understand them?" Jimin let out a small giggle.

"Of course" Yoongi stared at Jimin incredulously, causing Jimin to laugh harder. "You met one of the animals in closest to on your way here"

"What?" Yoongi frowned, trying to figure out what Jimin was talking about.

"It spends a lot of time in the trees" Jimin winked. Yoongi's eyes widened remembering the monkey that he had been certain had been watching him.

"That monkey in the jungle" Jimin nodded, a small smirk on his face. "I don't know if I should be impressed or worried that you can tell everything that happens on the island," Yoongi said.

"You say that, but not much happens here, so there's not that much to know about" Yoongi, couldn't help but feel pity for Jimin, despite him telling him that he wasn't lonely. It seemed like a lonely existence on an island alone. He wondered why
he didn't just leave, he certainly seemed powerful enough. He wanted to ask but was worried that it was too personal.

"Why this spot? Out of everywhere else? "Yoongi asked, curious. Jimin took a deep breath, turning his gaze out to the water.

"I guess it's rather pretty and I get to see all the people who are coming here" Yoongi nodded, but couldn't help but feel like Jimin was lying, but he couldn't work out the reason why.

Yoongi took the time to look at Jimin while he was looking out to the sea taking in his features: his flawless tan skin that looked so smooth to the touch, his large plush lips that Yoongi wouldn't mind kissing, wavy blue, hair swept over his face. It looked so soft and fluffy, making Yoongi want to run his fingers through it. His squishy cheeks that were such a stark contrast to the sharp jawline and hooded eyes

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