A Feeling Once Forgotten

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"Hello" the man smiled, and god, even his voice sounded heavenly. The man in front of them looked like he was crafted by God Himself from the very ocean that surrounded them. From his sapphire blue hair and soft plush lips to his soft, delicate figure and kind eyes.

Yoongi wasn't sure how long he stood there, gaping at the man, but it must have been a while by the way Taehyung kicked him. He averted his eyes away from this dazzling man and cleared his throat.

"Hello, " he managed to get out. He could hear Taehyung laughing behind him. He was going to kill the guy later.

"Good day," the man replied with a bright smile. For a second Yoongi was sure he lost the ability to breathe. Somehow this man had managed to grow even more beautiful. He had never believed in love at first, believing the notion foolish, but this man might have just changed his mind about that.

"Um..." the man began, looking between Yoongi and Taiyuan. "Can I help you with something?" This snapped Yoongi out of his daze as he remembered what he was here for.

"Yes," Yoongi replied. "We're looking for the witch on this island, do you know where I can find them" the man raised his eyebrows.

"Well, you've found them, " he indicated to himself. Yoongi's mouth fell open.

"Y-you're the-" he stuttered. He heard Taehyung huff in annoyance.

"Of course he is, don't you see his hair," he said, pointing to the man's startling blue hair. The man let out a small giggle, waving slightly.

"So, what's your name," Yoongi asked, trying to change the subject. "I can't go around calling you witch" somehow the man's smile grew even brighter, his eyes disappearing along with it.

"I'm Jimin" Yoongi nodded, it suited him.


"I'm Taehyung, not that anyone seems to care" Taehyung piped up.

"Shut up" Yoongi hissed, not taking his eyes off Jimin.

"Well, how rude" Taehyung muttered, Yoongi decided to ignore him.

"Do you live here alone?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"Very subtle Yoongi"

"Taehyung I swear if you don't shut up" Yoongi glared, turning to him, feeling his patience wavering. The sound of laughter made him stop.

It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. It was as if angels were singing, Yoongi was sure he could listen to that sound for the rest of his life. His head was thrown back, giving Yoongi full view of the bare expanse of his neck.

"Say Jimin" Taehyung smirked. "How old are you?" Jimin looked over at him.

"I'm twenty-one," he said. Taehyung's smirk grew.

"I see, well we're the same age, which means we're now best friends, so can call me Tae or Tae Tae I don't mind" Jimin sent a confused look at Yoongi.

"Just ignore him," he sighed.

"No ignore him, he's older than us so he thinks he can boss me around" Taehyung grumbled, sticking his tongue out at Yoongi.

"I can boss you around because I'm your captain," Yoongi told him. Jimin watched this exchange in amusement.

"Did you guys need something?" He asked. The pair looked at him.

"Yes," Taehyung exclaimed, bouncing over to Jimin. "We need your help"

"Ok, how can I help you?" Jimin questioned, tilting his head.

"What, you're willing to help us just like that?" Yoongi asked, disbelievingly.

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