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When Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon returned, the cabin had a salty scent wafting around the room. In that time Jungkook had nodded off into a peaceful sleep and was being watched over by Taehyung. Hoseok looked around, curious.

"What's with the smell?" he asked. Yoongi looked over.

"Apparently the salt will cast away any bad omens that might happen when the mark is removed"

"Wait, that can happen?" Jin frowned. Jimin nodded.

"It's not uncommon, so I thought I'd do this as a precaution"

"How much salt did you place around here? I get you want it just in case, but it smells like you put it everywhere?" Hoseok said, moving around the room.

"Not much, at first, but then Tae got a bit over-enthusiastic and began throwing it everywhere" Jimin revealed. All eyes slid over to Taehyung, who looked completely unfazed by this.

"Better safe than sorry" he shrugged, inspecting his nails.

"Yes, but you didn't have to throw it in my hair" Yoongi grouched. He was tempted to throttle the idiot, as he'd spent the last hour trying to get all the salt out.

"I only did it because you're salty most of the time, honestly it matched your personality" Taehyung smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yoongi snapped.

"Nothing, nothing. You just happen to get annoyed fairly quickly, like a little kitten hissing at people" Taehyung grinned.

"Why you little shi-" Yoongi began, marching towards Taehyung.

"Hey, none of that now," Jin said, moving quickly to get between the two. "This really isn't the place to be fighting"

"But Tae's being a p- '' Yoongi tried to say, but Jin interrupted him.

"You need to stop getting angry at everything Tae says, you know he does it on purpose"

"Yeah Yoongles, stop taking everything so personally" Taehyung smirked.

"And you" Jin continued, rounding on Taehyung. "Need to stop winding Yoongi up all the time, you know how much it annoys him. One day he might get fed up and throw you overboard and none of us are going to stop him. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Jin" they both mumbled.

"I can't hear you"

"Yes, Jin" they repeated louder.

"Good" Jin nodded. "Now I'm going to ask Jimin if I can have a nice long bath after being stuck on that ship for so long. I suggest you all do the same" there was a murmur of agreement from around the room.

"Yes, of course. Do you want me to show you the bathroom?" Jimin asked. Jin smiled kindly at him.

"That would be perfect, thank you Jimin. When I get out I expect one of you to be ready for a bath next. I don't care which one of you it is, you all smell just as bad as each other" he warned, as Jimin led him towards a door near the end of the cabin. Silence engulfed the room once the door had closed.

"That man can be scary sometimes" Hoseok finally spoke up. His words were met by a chorus of nods.

"Sometimes I wonder how he didn't become captain," Taehyung said, looking in the direction Jimin and Jin had just left in.

"Hey" Yoongi called out indignantly.

"It's nothing against you Yoongi" Taehyung reassured. "It's just where you can be scary Jin can be downright terrifying"

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