Take Me Somewhere Far Away

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He nearly ran into Jimin when he left through the door. He stumbled, grabbing the doorframe to steady himself. They stared at each other for a second, unsure of what to say. After an awkward silence, Jimin moved around Yoongi into his home.

Yoongi cursed himself for not saying anything. He'd probably made the whole situation worse by doing that. He was tempted to turn around and go back into the hut so he could talk to Jimin, but couldn't. It was like someone was restraining him. He closed his eyes in annoyance, now would be the perfect time to apologise to him. Instead, he was standing in the doorway like an idiot unable to walk up to the man.

Knowing he had blown the opportunity he made his way over to the others, who were building a bonfire.

"What are you doing?" he asked. Taehyung looked up at him grinning.

"Well we thought it might be to cramped in there to eat so I suggested that we should eat out here"

"Yes and then I reminded him that it'd be cold out here so we've decided to make a fire" Jin continued.

"I was forced into this" Namjoon revealed, holding a pile of wood.

"I think it's a great idea," Hoseok said.

"Right... and what are we eating?" Yoongi asked.

"Jimin said he had stew that we can cook, although it won't have any meat in it. Apparently, the animals on this island are sacred and killing any of them can lead to dire consequences" Jin told him.

"I see," Yoongi said slowly.

"We've nearly finished, just gotta add a few more bits of wood," Taehyung said excitedly. Jin nodded, taking the logs from Namjoon.

"Jimin also mentioned he had some spare chairs that we can bring out here, maybe you and Namjoon can go grab them" he suggested.

"Of course" Nmajoon agreed. "C'mon Yoongi, they're just inside" Yoongi followed Namjoon back inside. He could see Jimin by the cauldron adding the ingredients he got from the forest.

"Hey Jimin, where are the spare chairs?"  Namjoon asked. Jimin looked up, his eyes catching Yoongi's for a brief second before he looked away.

"Just in the corner, there should be a stack of them" Jimin pointed to the corner, near the bedroom door. Namjoon and Yoongi grabbed them and went back out to the others. When they returned there was already a fire roaring, its flames climbing higher and higher into the sky. Thye arranged the chairs around the fire and Jimin brought out the stew, placing it over the fire.

They sat around the fire, Taehyung leaving to fetch Jungkook. Jin handed a bowl to everyone and began to ladle stew into it. Jungkook and Taehyung returned with a barrel. Yoongi was surprised to see Jungkook on his feet. He wasn't the only one as most the crew looked at him in confusion.

"Umm, how come you can walk not?" Hoseok asked.

"Jimin performed some spell on me to give me some strength, it only lasts for a few hours, but it's nice to be standing on my own" Jungkook told them. Yoongi went to thank Jimin, but Jin beat him.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you" Jimin ducked his head in embarrassment, his cheeks tinged pink.

"It's nothing really," he said waving away his gratitude.

"You're too modest" Jin sighed.

"Do you know what that is?" Taehyung grinned.

"Watch it brat" Jin warned. Taehyung rolled his eyes, grabbing food for both him and Jungkook. After they'd eaten, Taehyung began to fill everyone's cups with the liquid inside the barrel. It wasn't long before his crew were drunk, laughing loudly and dancing by the fire. Jin had managed to find an old lute inside Jimin's house and was playing while the other sang along. Despite the other having fun, Yoongi wasn't enjoying himself.

He lent back in the rickety wooden chair, clutching his cup close to his chest. The rest of the crew had taken to dancing around the bonfire like a pact of children. He took a swig of his drink and grimaced, the liquid far too sweet for his liking. He should've got one of the other to bring some rum from the boat, or at least some wine. He was pretty sure Taehyung had a stash of it hidden in his room.

He winced as Taehyung let out a loud cry, clearly drunk. Yoongi was slightly jealous, maybe it'd make the evening go faster if he was wasted. It certainly couldn't make it any worse. Only Jimin wasn't joining in with the festivities, instead of sitting quietly the other side of the fire

"Yoongi" Taehyung yelled, staggering over to him. "Come join us. Don't sit here all alone and sulk"

"I'm not sulking and I'm not joining you," Yoongi told him, frowning at the stench of alcohol wafting from Taehyung's mouth. Where had he gotten the ale?

"Oh don't be like that, come have some fun" Taehyung poted, gesturing to the other dancing. Even Jungkook had gotten involved, cheering them on from where he was lying. It was clear whatever spell Jimin had used on him had helped as his skin finally had some colour on it and his eyes were bright.

"I'm having plenty of fun right now watching you all act like idiots," Yoongi said. Taehyung groaned.

"You're never any fun" he stamped his foot like a toddler. "I will get you to dance with us at some point" Yoongi laughed.

"When that day comes around let me know"

"Mark my words I will dance with you. Just you wait" Taehyung called, moving back over to the others. Yoongi watched him go before his focus slid back over to Jimin. Yoongi sighed as he rubbed his eyes. He could feel a headache growing as the other grew louder. Maybe he should have an early night.

He was about to go inside when he remembered the conversation he had earlier with Jungkook. Making his mind up he made his way around the campfire to Jimin. He saw Jungkook send him an encouraging smile. He sat by Jimin's side, who hadn't noticed him yet. Jimin's skin glowed in the firelight like the moon was trapped under his skin.

"It's a beautiful night" he murmured. Jimin jumped in surprise and looked at him. Yoongi was taken aback at how intense his gaze was. Jimin regarded him for a moment, before nodding.

"I suppose it is"

"I'm sorry about earlier. I don't know why I asked you those things" Yoongi apologised. Jimin shook his head, gaze moving swiftly to Yoongi's face.

"Yes you do" Yoongi went to argue but stopped himself. Jimin was right, he knew exactly why he asked those questions.

"You're right, but I am still sorry. I let my distrust get the better of me and I apologise for that" Jimin examined him, like he was trying to figure out if he was being sincere. The seconds seemed to drag on and Yoongi could feel his heart hammering against his chest. He prayed Jimin would see that he was being honest.

"Okay, I forgive you" Jimin whispered eventually. Yoongi looked at him in surprise.

"Just like that?" Jimin nodded.

"Just like that"

"Why?" he asked, unable to fathom why he was being forgiven so quickly. Maybe Jin and Jungkook had been right. Jimin shrugged.

"Because I understand" Yoongi sat there dumbfounded. He hadn't expected this. He swallowed.

"You want to get out of here?"

"What about everyone else?" Jimin frowned.

"They'll be fine, they'll eventually pass out either here or inside. Anyway, there's so much of this island I haven't seen and you did say you prefer it at night" Yoongi told him. Finally, Jimin smiled and held out his hand. Yoongi took it, entwining their fingers.

"Alright if you insist, let's get out of here so I can show you something magical" not letting go of his hand Yoongi let Jimin whisk him away from his friends and into the mysterious depths of the island.

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