04. let me do this

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SHE DROVE to the address Stefan had provided for her. She didn't know what to expect: would he despise her? She lost contact with Matt years prior and she was afraid he resented her for that (along with the fact that he hated the supernatural world after his fiancée was murdered). Matt was the first brotherly-connection she felt with someone from Mystic Falls and today was the day she'd finally see him again.

Ariel parked the car outside in the dirt. She never knew Matt was into living out in the country. Her angel powers sparked when she sensed danger coming from the mini warehouse. She quietly walked over to the entrance, peering inside to see Damon, passed out, tied to a chair and Matt watching over him. She hurried toward the human, pushing him back.

"What the – Ariel?" Matt recognized the presence and body structure of the angel when he looked up to see who pushed him. "You need to leave."

She looked back at him. "You're kidding right? Damon's being controlled by a Siren from Hell and you want to be left alone with him?" Ariel looked around more. "Stefan told me you were with your dad, where is he?"

"In the truck waiting for me." Matt decides to cut the 'tough' act and - making sure Damon's still passed out - brings Ariel into his arms.

She's surprised at first, but soaks in all the missed years they had apart. "I've missed you so much. New Orleans was crazy—"

"I understand why you didn't call. You can tell me the specifics later," Matt plants a kiss on her forehead and lets go of her. He picks up a broom from the shelf and snaps it in half. "For now, I need to deal with him."

Before Ariel could inform him of how dangerous Damon could be right now, the vampire awoke. He looked up at Matt, then at the angel. "Oh please, cut the act. None of you are going to kill me."

Ariel was still hesitant about that since he was Stefan's brother and she cared about him a lot more, but Matt seemed determined to end his life. "That seems to be your solution to everything, doesn't it? Maybe I should give it a shot."

Damon rolls his eyes, but his voice his still strained from the chains wrapped around him. "I'm sorry, Matt, I know this is supposed to scare me, but fear is an emotion, and ever since I flipped my switch, I'm kind of operating without them. All I'm getting from you is desperation."

"You're right Damon, I am desperate." Matt plunges the wooden stick into Damon, but not enough to kill him. "And for once, I don't care about your drama. I don't give a damn if you shut your humanity off. All I want to know is why you tried to kill my father."

Ariel looks at Damon wide eyed. "Are you serious? That's a new low, even for you."

"Hey look, in my defense I didn't know he was your dad. I always thought you were a bastard." Matt twists the stick in his hands causing Damon to groan. He was furious, done with all the games Damon has played throughout the years.

"Shut up, I'm done playing games," Matt says.

"Well, Tyler Lockwood is gonna be very sad to hear that." Damon makes eye contact with Matt and it sends a shiver down Ariel spine. Why is he bringing up Tyler? "Because if you don't play along, he dies. Maybe you care about that?"

Matt takes out the stick and backs up from him. "Not even you're that stupid. Humanity or not, nobody'd forgive you for that. Especially Elena."

"Well, that's the whole point, you idiot. Apparently, you've been out of the loop for a while, Matt, so allow me to bring you up to speed. Elena and I are through. In fact, I've been seeing another woman." What Damon has said has confused Matt, but he shakes it off.

"You're lying. Last time I knew, Tyler was up in, uh..."

"In New York," Damon answers for him. "Am I lying or being completely truthful when I tell you that I ripped into Tyler's throat last night? And then I took him on a road trip. Left him bleeding in the back of a green Mustang at the Park 'N Go off I-20, right across the border. Now, is that too specific for a lie? It's your move, Matt. Ticktock."

Ariel watched his every movement, Damon was specific, but she wouldn't believe he'd really do that. Tyler was apart of the Mystic Falls crew when she was first here. He wasn't that deep in Sybil's control.

Her thoughts are interrupted when Matt punches Damon across the face. "If you hurt Tyler, I swear to God I will kill you."

"Swear to God all you want," Damon says, not even fazed by the punch. "He's not the one listening."


Ariel and Matt left Damon for himself and got in the car where Matt's dad was waiting. Their conversations consisted of explaining to Peter the supernatural world.

"So...you're an angel that was sent from Heaven?" He repeats just to make sure he heard that correctly.

"Yep," Ariel states proudly. "When I got down here, a lot of people went against me because I protected the original vampires. However, Matt always had my back and never betrayed me. He's a really good guy."

She patted his back and Peter smiled at the two. Matt had mentioned Ariel before to him, but he didn't ever explain much about Mystic Falls since most of it consisted of vampires, werewolves, and witches.

Matt pulled up his truck next to the green mustang Damon had mentioned earlier. The truth would come out soon: was Damon lying or was Tyler really dead? Ariel took Matt's hand and they walked over to the trunk.

"Guys, why don't you take a walk? Let me do this," Peter offered, but they ignored him.

With his free hand, Matt opened up the trunk. Ariel gasped. Matt choked out a sob. She looked at the dead stare in his eyes, along with the deep, dried out
gash on his neck. Damon wasn't lying: Tyler Lockwood was dead.

Matt fell to the ground, bringing Ariel down with him. His face scrunched up in sadness, tears spilling down his face, he cried into Ariel's shoulder. The two sat there, mourning the loss of a friend who didn't deserve to be collateral damage of Sybil's mess.


tyler lockwood deserved better.

so glad matt and ariel are back though, they're my fav brotp! and sorry for the short chapter, the whole episode was basically stefan and sybil talking lmao

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