Chapter 1: What Is Marriage?

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The New York City lights combined with the stars from the summer night sky, making the big city shine like a beautiful jewel. A blanket was spread out atop of a city skyscraper. Raphael and Mona Lisa were lying together side by side, participating in one of their favorite hobbies, star gazing. Admiring the breathtaking view is Raphael's favorite part, and the starry night sky gives Mona Lisa a taste of home. The couple was quiet. Nothing but their gentle breathing, and the sound of the city."It's beautiful tonight," Raph said, breaking their silence.

"I agree," said Mona "There are so many stars out tonight. The sky is so clear, I can even see the Third Moon of Thalos from here."

"The what?"

Mona giggled, "That's the ice planet where we first met."

"Oh yeah, one of the only good things that happened to me when I was in space." Raph looks at Mona and winks at her. She giggles.

Raph wonders, "So, how are you able to tell which planet is which?"

"I used to study constellations and planet locations in my spare time back on my home planet." 

"Wow...Do you see any other planets?"

"I can see Salamandria." Mona says as she points to the night sky, "It's that little light blue star, right there."


"Yes, my love?"

"Do you ever miss your home?"

She shrugs, "Sometimes, but I've been on Earth for so long now. Bonded with your friends and family. There are times I forget about Salamandria. I feel at home here. Your planet is so much more different from mine. It's strange to me, but I enjoy it."

"Strange? Like how?"

"The stars, for example," she says as she lifts herself up. She sits up as she continues, "They look so different here compared to the view on my planet. It was hard for me to identify the constellations for a while, but I think that is my favorite thing about Earth. I love how different your planet is compared to mine."

Raph joins Mona and sits by her side. He looks at his girlfriend and gives her his iconic smirk that she loves so much.

"I always thought I was your favorite thing about Earth," he teases.

Mona giggles, "You are, my love. I just admire the view. It's breathtaking."

"Yeah, it is. I remember when my brothers and I first came up to the surface. We were so amazed by the city with the lights and the open space, there were times we didn't want to go back to the sewers." Raph takes a slow breath, "God, it feels like a century since that happened."

Mona places her hand on Raph's shoulder, "That must have been awful, being isolated underground your whole life."

"Nah, it wasn't that bad. Besides the shitty smell, it was fine. You get used to it after a while. And besides, we had each other and we found ways to pass the time, like training or playing old video games that we found."

The couple stayed silent again, returning to watch the sky.

Raph looked at the Salamandrian as she sat next to him watching the stars. Her yellow eyes, sparkling brighter than the northern star, made his heart beat fast. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have a woman like her in his life. His life was perfect with her and he didn't want that to change.

"I must say, Raphael," said Mona, continuing the conversation, "your planet is so fascinating with its customs and traditions."

Raph looks at his girlfriend, "Like how?"

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