When you two fight

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When you two fight it takes forever to resolve itself. Like one time, you two took an entire three months to resolve the problem.


You two dont exactly fight often - but when you do, Steve hates it. The yelling, the anger arguing in general, so he tries to solve it immediately and tries to not upset you agian.


If you two fight, there is a lot of thunder outside and a lot of guns going off inside. He gets really mad and thinks you dont need an apology and decides to make it worse by creating a huge thinderstorm loud enough for your parents to hear. You get so pissed you start throwing daggers near his arms, legs, head, fuck you even try to shoot. It takes two weeks to make it all goods


When you two fight, nobody likes to get near you as you are always using your power to hurt him if your that pissed. Arthur immediatley makes you come back to earth to chill out, so the ocean will stop haveing water spouts attacking every inch of the land. Peter will even dare kicking you to space if he is red in the face pissed, so Rocket had to kick him in a pod and lock it until he is calm. Takes a bout three days for everything to go back to normal.

Peter P~

You and Peter avoid fighting.


You two have to be kept away from each other after and during the fight. He go all -- HULK SMASH!! And you will literally teleport him to space, jail, australia anywhere. Itll take a bout a day to resolve tho.


You two just talk about it.


Same as clint


Same as the o ther two

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