Bill Denbrough ~ is she really gone

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" is she really gone ?" asked Bill tears forming in his eyes as everyone sat down at the park trying to figure out

What was terrorizing the town and most importantly where it lived so can they get y/n back

" No, she can't be y/n is strong, and a very stubborn girl she will keep fighting because she knows, we will find her," said mike trying to help calm down Bill, Bill nodded and stood up

" then we'll find where that house is and go save the love of my life," he said walking away to find y/n

They soon found the old well house that IT lives At they saw an old well and they decided to go down through there

Once they were down the well they walked around trying to see if they could find the clown and end this once and for all

Everyone was standing in a circle to see what that noise was coming from it sounded like a screeching sound but they couldn't put their finger on what it was

" BILL " yelled a voice Bill turned his head to the front and saw y/n dangling in the air

He dropped his stuff and ran to her but then y/n was gone as if she was nothing

Bill stood there dumbfounded as to where y/n went, then as if on cue they started to heard Psychotic laughter

"OVER HEREEEE! " yelled the clown jumping down from his throne with the real y/n in his hands, she looked terrified

" Y/N HOLD ON WE'LL GET YOU OUT OF HERE " yelled bill happy that she wasn't gone after all

The clown let y/n go, y/n ran as fast as she could to bill, hugging him tightly not wanting to let go

" I've missed you so much bill," she said gripping his shirt letting her tears soak his shirt

" I missed you too y/n I thought I lost you, " he said caressing her face. He leaned down to give her a kiss on the lips

" it's not over yet sunny boy," said The clown as he walked closer towards the gang

The whole gang all grabbed weapons and stood next to each other because they knew shit was about to go down

Richie was the first to start the fight that was going down, the clown grabbed bill and held him close about to kill everyone stopped and stood there

But y/n grabbed a metal rod and quietly made her way to the clown she was behind him she put her finger to her lips to shush the rest of the gang

And she plunged the rod through the clowns head causing IT to scream in pain and retract back to IT's hole

Bill stood up and looked behind him immediately wrapping his arms around y/n

Y/n smiled as tears fell down her cheeks she wrapped her arms around him

" i'm so glad you're okay y/n," he said kissing her temple y/n laughed and pulled away

" I m glad i'm here to, and i'm happy you're here still breathing with me," she said caressing his cheeks pulling him down softly to place a kiss on his lips

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