Sadie Sink ~ Christmas party

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" HAPPY HOLIDAY'S " She yelled at the camera i stood behind the cameraman and smiled admiring her

Dang was i lucky to have found her, i wouldn't be happy if it weren't for her

" I'm done, babe," she said jumping off the chair and heading towards me i smiled and reached my hand for her to hold

" Come on let's go back to the Christmas party," she said while holding my hand leading me to where everyone else was

" Merry Christmas!" Yelled everyone i sat down into the seat and took a sip from my cup  of Hot Chocolate, just looking around as everyone passed around gifts

" Here babe i got you this," said Sadie handing me a gift i smiled and handed her a box

I slowly opened it and i saw Blue Velvet box i looked up at Saide and opened it, i gasped

It was a beautiful Sapphire Ruby Necklace i smiled and pulled her in for a kiss

" thank you so much," i said pulling apart i sat back down to wait for her to open her gift I really hoped she liked it

" Oh my God y/n," she said pausing as she put the book down  and hugged me kissing me all over my face

" THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU I LOVE YOU," she said i smiled and blushed

" This means so much to me," she said as she went through the Book i got her

" This is filled with all-our memories and when we had our first date and cute little love notes," she said flipping through the pages while crying

"and i love your gift, you got me my birthstone and that's when we met on my birthday," i said pulling her in placing a kiss on her soft lips

" I love you y/n," she said i smiled and blushed looking down

" i love you too Sadie," i said making her smile

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