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My name is Scealai

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My name is Scealai. 

I am the captain of the Dochas.  In my language, Dochas means Hope.

The Dochas is a five sail ship and one of the largest to ever sail in Shalea's North Ocean. It boasts a crew of 30 and has the capabilities to hold a years supply of goods in its hold. 

It had, for many years, been a trading ship that would sail the seas to neighbouring lands, bartering goods that would be brought back to Talamh and other ports. 

These goods would include, teas, sugar, spices, exotic fruit, fine cloths, weapons, gunpowder and all manners of goods.

There would be more bartering and selling, as to outfit the Dochas for its next journey and of course, to pay the crew.

My father, Rasson, was the captain of the Dochas, up until his death at the far too early age of 50. The sea can be a fickle mistress, but it pales in comparison to the evils that sail Shalea and her many bays. A pirate's sabre took his life. 

That same pirate fell by my sabre.

As his only child and his first mate, I inherited command of the Dochas. Even though I was the tender age of just 19, I had sailed with my father since I was old enough to walk.  My dear mother, Gellia, perished bringing me into this world. My aunt Jenny, raised me until I was 4.

I was shown no favour by my father and I moved up the ranks by doing as all others did, from swabbing the deck, to emptying chamber pots, to galley work, to manning the crow's-nest. Finally at 15, my father allowed me to fire the cannons.

By that time, I was more than capable of handling pistols and long guns. I was also adept at the art of knife throwing and use of the longbow and arrow. I could handle the sabre as well as any man. I was given no quarter, I was trained to be a fighter.

I was first mate at the age of 16.

Upon taking my father's command, I followed his trading paths for several years, but found the journeys to be both tiresome and monotonous. I wanted more. I wanted to explore.

I have proven myself over my years and I have the respect of my crew. A crew that is made up of both men and women. When I approached them with my idea to explore, they were as excited as I was, which made me even more excited.  

We spent a year preparing for our journey. Our cargo hold was split. Half was  set up with proper bunks and living quarters for the crew and the other half kept for the usual storage of food, water and rum.

It was a cloudy day, with small seas, when we set sail from the port of Talamh. I have taken only maps of the known seas and lands, as we hope to discover new lands. We shall travel by the stars and we have no real destination, other than heading north.

There was excitement and anticipation amongst the crew as we lost sight of land and headed out onto the open waters.

I said a little prayer to Shalea and to the memory of my father and mother.

I was 21 years old.

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