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Lightening appeared in the background behind the woman and I knew that Dracon had returned to the fairy village and was in the process of destroying it

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Lightening appeared in the background behind the woman and I knew that Dracon had returned to the fairy village and was in the process of destroying it.

I stood staring at the woman on the other side of the pond. There was a haunting beauty about her that captivated me. She stared at me and I felt a warmth, even though deep inside I knew she was evil, as witnessed by her killing of the fairy.

"Bring me Kyhle," she demanded, calmly.

It was as though I could hear her voice inside my head.

"Bring me Kyhle," she repeated, a little more demanding, this time.

I could actually feel myself being attracted to this woman. I believe I smiled and I felt a sudden urge to please her.

"Bring me the fairy Queen."

"Yes," I whispered. Even though I knew it was the wrong thing to do, I wanted so bad to please this woman. "I will bring her." I turned to find Kyhle, but instead felt a sharp blow to my jaw. I staggered backwards and ended up, very unladylike, on my bottom, on the ground. I looked up to see Belinda standing over me.

"So sorry Captain, but you were under the spell of that evil bitch," Belinda apologized. "It was all I could think to do." 

I was still in a daze, but accepted Belinda's hand. She pulled me to my feet.

"We must go," she reminded me.

I looked back across the pond. The woman was still there, but there was now a hazed ugliness about her.

"Bring me Kyhle," she yelled. "Bring me ..." He words were cut off as the sound of a long-gun erupted to my left.

Henrick had shot at the woman and his direct hit had knocked her off the rocks. "Go," he yelled at us, as he was joined by his partner, Flo and Ureal. "We will hold the evil bitch at bay."

"I will not leave you," I assured them.

Henrick walked quickly to me. "You are our Captain and we all vowed to protect you. If you stay, we all die." He looked at the other two, then back at me. "Just remember us fondly and have a song written about our bravery."

I kissed him quickly on the lips. "I shall see to it personally."

"Thank you Captain Scealia." He saluted me. "It has been a pleasure serving you." He rushed back to the other two.

I looked back across the pond and I could see the woman slowly getting to her feet. Belinda pulled me along. I could not take my eyes off the three brave crew members who I was leaving behind.

"Scealia?" Belinda yelled at me and took me out of my daze. I turned away from the pond and ran as quickly as I could, following her along the path through the forest of strange trees.

Moments later, we were at the mouth of the cave. The last of our party, Liam, was there with Kyhle and the three other fairies.

Kyhle turned as we approached. "We must hurry. Carisha will surely dispatch her demons on us."

"Demons?" I wondered. A screech from behind me made me turn. I could see short dark creatures running through the forest, blood red eyes staring at us. The beauty of the forest was fast fading to darkness as they approached. "Run," I ordered.

We turned and ran as quickly as we could into the semi-darkness of the cave.

Within moments there was a humanlike scream, a red flash and another fairy, next to me, was burned to cinders.

I stopped running and turned. Carisha was a mere ten feet from me, a huge group of her demons gathering behind her.

She smiled a smile, that I could only describe as pure evil. "It is over. Bring me Kyhle."

My hand was on my pistol. I knew I could not kill the evil bitch, but maybe I could slow her down enough so that the others could get to the archway. I shook my head. "No."

She smiled. "Then die."

Before she could raise her hand, I pulled out my pistol, aimed and fired. Carisha's head snapped back and she flew backwards to the floor of the cave. I walked to her, drawing my second pistol as I did. Before I could raise it, the evil fairy was back on her feet. She tore the pistol from my hand and grabbed me by the throat. 

"Now you die, you irritating human bitch."

I could feel the breath being squeezed from my body, as darkness set in.

Suddenly there was a blast of fiery red light and a wave of wind wind hit me like a wall. I was thrown backwards and hit the floor of the cave hard.

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