ice castle

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My entire crew was on deck witching the sight that was a huge white bear with a beautiful half naked woman leaping from berg to berg, leading the way to their home. Those who could not squeeze in at the railing were climbing up the rigging to get a better view.

It took about an hour for Liam to maneuver through the bergs carefully. Eira would wait until we were near her and then Kola would leap some massive distance to another berg. Every leap would bring comments of amazement from my crew.

Finally we rounded a larger berg and there, in front of us, was Eira's house. Or castle or. 

In all honesty none of us could quite describe what we saw, other than it was the most unique structure any of us had ever seen.

In all honesty none of us could quite describe what we saw, other than it was the most unique structure any of us had ever seen

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"What is that?" Aingeal wondered. "It is unlike anything I have ever seen."

The structure rose from the icy waters like a giant, very uniquely shaped berg. There were no other bergs near it and the only entrance to it seemed to be by a spiral staircase that led to an opening in the side of the structure. The top of the structure seemed to be made up of ship parts, but ships unlike anything any of us had ever seen.

I ordered the Dochas to be anchored some 100 feet from the structure. As we lay anchor, Eira sat on Kola's back and the huge bear swam across the icy waters to the base of the structure. Eira jumped off and waved to us.

Liam walked to my side. "Captain. I do not think it wise that we all depart the ship. There is much about this situation that I feel, proposes caution."

I had to agree with Liam. "We will send a small party to shore." I walked to James and told him to man the three cannons on the port side facing the ice structure. "I want all crew armed, just in case." I decided not to take any chances.

Seven of us climbed the rigging down to the dory. Cullen and Willy manned the oars and brought us to the base of the ice structure. Once on the ice, Willy drove his long-knife into the ice. He then tied the dory rope to the handle of the knife to secure it.

Eira was already half way up the spiral staircase. "Come," she called back to us. "My home awaits you."

I led the way up the staircase, one hand on my pistol.

Frahley and Aingeal scanned the area around the structure. Several times they stopped and peered in a certain direction, sure they had seen movement.

"I do not like this feeling," Aingeal voiced to us all. "I am sure something evil lays beyond our vision."

"We will keep on high alert for certain," I assured her and the others.

I had no idea what was to greet us when we stepped through the opening in the side of the structure. It was not a doorway, in the true sense of the word, but more like a roughly hacked opening in the ice.

Once inside, we were greeted by much the same as outside. The walls, floor and ceiling were all ice and were very roughly hacked. In some places, it almost looked as though deep scratch marks could be seen.

"I am in here," Eira's voice came to us. 

We followed the narrow hallway and a moment later we were met by a staircase that led upwards. With caution, we followed the stairs. They wound around a corner and as I cleared the corner, I was met by a sudden burst of colour.

I walked off the icy stair and onto a warm fur type rug. One of many that covered the floor. There was a long table, already set and large comfortable chairs adorned the front of each setting. The smell of hot food drifted into the room from somewhere beyond.

Cullen walked cautiously around the table. "All seems to be as it should be Captain." He took a deep breath. "And I have to say the aroma that surrounds us is quite captivating."

Once again Eira's voice came to us. "Please be seated. I shall join you soon."

The others looked to me. I walked to the chair nearest the head of the table and sat. The others soon followed. The chairs were warm to the seat and very comfortable. The cutlery looked to be gold and the plates and goblets looked to be encrusted with gold and jewels.

"Please help yourself to the wine," Eira told us, as she walked into the room.

Myself and my crew were speechless at her sight.

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