Chapter 4

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Grizela West hated weird animal sounds. She was used to the normal pigeon squawking, but this unnatural screech? Nah. Last time she heard a weird animal sound, she got pushed into a bin, one that hadn't been emptied for a bit. It stank. She stunk. This sound pulled at her, wanting her to turn around and go back. She stopped, fighting the urge to turn around.

 The screech rang out through the air. She saw the crowds of people to her left, totally oblivious to the sounds coming from somewhere, judging by the loudness, about a five minute walk away. In the opposite direction she was going. She hated wanting to go and investigate. What had this sound have to do with her? Absolutely nothing. Hopefully.

She heard a dog squeal, at least it sounded like a dog. From the same place as the weird noise came from, at least that was what she thought. Her feet spun her around and started walking towards the sounds, stupid feet, they were meant to be going in the opposite direction. 

 Great. Today was getting better. Eight large wolves. Ginormous wolves. Stood around a cloaked figure, one of the wolves, Griz thought it was a wolf, was injured, the crimson blood drying in the light brown fur. She watched all nine beings turn their heads towards her. "Wow. Fun party, I'll just be going..." Griz turned and started running. 

Her feet wasn't touching the ground. "Get off me, you err... animal!" The wolf like creature made a noise that closely resembled a chuckle, if wolves can even chuckle. "I am not a toy! Put me down at once! I need to go somewhere! Let me go!" The wolf had walked over to the other seven wolf like creatures and the weird cloaked person, who wears a cloak? It's not seventeen something. The creature dropped her in the circle. 

"Thank you, now it's time for me to go." She said, loud and clear. There was a crack and in the place of the gigantic white wolf, there was a white haired human girl, a teenager. 

"Sorry, we can't let you go." She said, she sounded northern, northwest? Not northeast. 

"Why? And who the hell are you? And the other seven? Oh, and the cloaked guy in this circle?"

"I'm Astra, we are a pack of emmm..." she looked at the gigantic wolves, "a pack of Blahia. This here is an ancient creature who escaped from it's prison between this world and another world when the gates opened." 

"Gates? You mean that the weird feeling, sensation was these massive gates opening between this world and another world, god, this universe is messed up, or maybe it's just me..."

"Yes, the weird sensation was felt by all who had blood of something from the other world and this world in their veins."

"So the end of the world may be starting? And why the hell are you telling me all of this, I've got enough on my plate at the moment, it's heaping up, it's a tower. I need to unload some."

"We are going to check that this is not the end of the world. But first we are checking all effects of the gates opening to the planet and the inhabitants. You obviously aren't human. At least not fully."

"Great. Thanks. Just what I wanted to hear. So seeing as though I'm not going to blow the world up or anything, can I go?"

"What can you do?"

"Look like a walking talking corpse. I'm quite good at it."

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