Round 2: Entries

67 4 1

Camille Mayfield


Rosalina Gold


Magnolia Watson

I sat in my tent awake, waiting to be called out. I hadn't slept very well. After meeting the Romans I'd kind of lost my nerve.

I anxiously peeked out of my tent and saw that the sun had come up and people had started emerging from their tents. I threw on some clothes, sheathed my sword, then after a deep breath, I exited my tent.

Soon, all eight of us were up and we headed to the front of the arena to meet the roman campers. 

Iris stood between the lines of eight, looking deadly serious, yet slightly amused.

"Lay down your weapons," she said, "For your first challenge, you must use your heads."

Use our heads? I figured we'd be having some kind of gladiator fight to the death.

I knew better than to argue, I unhooked the sheath from my belt and laid it at my feet. I looked back to Iris.

"Now, come forth one at a time into the arena. Would anyone like to go first?" she said.

"I will," I said without even thinking. I was so determined to prove myself, I could barely think straight.

Iris beckoned me forward. I walked toward the arena without looking left or right. Iris took a step to the side to let me through. I walked down the torch lit corridor trying to clear my nerves. I felt vulnerable without my sword, without the knowledge of what lie ahead.

I broke into sunlight again and found myself face to face with the sphinx. 

"I visit you at the worst of times,

I keep you safe, I keep you fine,

I make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold,

I visit the weak, but seldom the bold,

what am I?"

This was it, a riddle. I pondered the words carefully. Fear. That's the first thing that came to my head, but it didn't make sense with the second line 'I keep you safe, I keep you fine'. How could fear keep you safe and fine? If you're in a battle and you are fearful, how would that help. Fear makes you freeze up, and that would get you killed.

But what else could it be? 'I visit the weak, but seldom the bold' I could think of other thing that visit at bad times, make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold. Anger. But even the bold can be subject anger. It had to be fear.

"Fear," I said firmly.

"You may go," the sphinx said.

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