11 AM

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It's almost lunch time. Smoothing your red dress, you hurriedly go back to the kitchen to pack a lunch box for Yoongi and you. You knew Yoongi cravings for home cooked meal, so that's why you try your best to make your fiancé happy. Yes, Yoongi proposed to you right on your anniversary. You thought he would forget about that, but instead he surprised you with a ring replacing your promise ring once, and a more exclusive lifetime promise.

You called Seokjin, Yoongi's personal secretary and assistant asking if he already had his lunch. Fortunately Yoongi still stuck in his office since morning so you could go and surprise him.

When you arrived the sight that greets you making you sighs loudly. Yoongi rubbing his temple in frustration while calling someone through his earpiece. He only greets you with small tired smile. He end his call right away and then you set the lunch box on the table, "I brought you food."

"You don't have to baby," he shake his head while you sit on his lap. You knew he was stressed and frustrated by the look on his eyes.

"I want to, beside I want to have lunch with you today." You rest your head on his shoulder. Which he only reply with satisfied hum.

Both of you then get up and move to the sofa, after setting up the food you made on the table. You smile looking at his rounded cheek full of food, whilst he raise his eyebrows at you. "Nothing, is it good?"

"You gotta know by now it's really good that I already finished half of my bowl." Happily he munch again, that is the sight you wanted to see on Yoongi not the stressed one.


After that you left because Yoongi said he had important stuffs, you almost arrived to your home and that moment you realize that you left your phone on Yoongi's desk. You ask your driver to drive back so you could get it on your own.

"Do you want me to get it for you ma'am?"
Your driver ask worriedly.

"No, I'll just go and grab it for a minute. You can just park on the lobby. I won't take long."

When you reach Yoongi's floor, you notice Seokjin absent from his desk. You thought they were on the conference room so you quickly sneak in to Yoongi's office. You peek a little, incase there is someone inside.

To surprise you there are a lot of people you don't know in Yoongi's office a long with Yoongi whom crossing hir arms and leaning on his desk. Before you could close the door again, you squinting your eyes and saw that Yoongi is actually holding a gun on his arm. Tauting your eyebrows, your heartbeat goes louder. You wait for any sign of danger that could harm your Yoongi.

Suddenly Yoongi scoffs and scratching his nose. Then he did something you thought your Yoongi wouldn't do.

A loud BANG echoing the room. The man who stand in front of Yoongi limp to the floor, blood pooling the carpet.

You stare at him in shock as your head spinning and your hands shaking. Everything comes back to you like a thunderstorm how Yoongi hide his gun in his desk, the red stain Yoongi lied to you for a wine. What just happened? Is everything was a big lie he has been hiding from you?

Your gasp loudly as you back walking in fear. Suddenly Yoongi snap his head into your direction, his eyes widen. And right now, there's nothing in your mind except the urge to run.

To run far away from him.

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