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12:45- Miku's POV:

It's today.. It's really today... Today is the day my mother died. June 9th, 1999. It's June 9th, 2013. That was 14 years ago.. When I was 5.

Why did she leave me here? Why didn't she just stay? Or at least bring me with her? Anywhere from this living hell.

It's 12:45 PM.. I've been in here all day.. Everyone knocked on the door asking me to get up, but I rejected. Jin and Jimin tried bringing me breakfast, I rejected. Jungkook and Taehyung wanted to play Overwatch, I rejected. Hobi wanted to dance, I rejected. Namjoon and Yoongi wanted to have rap battles, I rejected.

They spam text me and call me, which I either ignore or Reject.

I've just been in here crying my soul out. I really wanted to cut but I couldn't. I.. I even promised them I wouldn't..

My room is starting to get boring. Maybe that's because I've been staring at it all day when I couldn't even cry.

I decided to finally get out of the room, but try to avoid the boys. I'll go to the greensroom and get some air, I thought.

Taehyungs POV:

"There's obviously something wrong with Miku." I said. Everyone gave me a "Duh" look.

"Hobi, don't you know? You know her the best out of all of us!" Jimin said, practically yelling.

"I don't know everything." He said and sat down trying to think.

"I know she acts like this the day her sister died.. I know the day too well. But it's not today. That happened November 2nd of 2002." He said.

"Then why else is she-" Yoongi was saying until Hobi cut him off.

"WAIT! I KNOW WHY NOW!" He suddenly yelled, earning a flinch from everyone. "Did you have to yell?" Namjoon hyung said.

"Today is the day.. Miku's mother died.." Hobi said. We said "Oh", recalling the time Miku told us this.

"Well.. That makes sense.." Jin said.
"Yeah, what do we do now?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we should leave her alone? She rejected doing the fun activities she usually does with us, so maybe we can't cheer her up." Namjoon said.

"It'll be worth the shot, though, if we tried to, Hyung." I said. "Yeah, I agree. If we can't cheer her up, then we'll leave her alone and wait for tomorrow." Jimin said.

We all agreed and walked to Miku's room. First step: Get her up.

We knocked on the door receiving no response. We knocked again. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked. It was locked earlier..

We went inside, but Miku wasn't there. Well, that explains that. "Where'd she go?" Jungkook asked. "Do you think we know?" Yoongi said.

"Lets split up and look for her. She can't be on the first floor, so Jimin and Yoongi, look up here on the fourth floor, Jungkook and Taehyung, check the third floor, Jin and I will check the rooftop, Hobi check the 2nd floor." Namjoon spoke. We nodded and began searching for her.

Jimin's POV:
I hope she didn't do anything stupid, ya know? I have a feeling she didn't though. "Where do you want to check first?" I asked Yoongi. "The dance room." He said.

And like that, that's where we went. When we got there, the dance room was empty. "Well, she's obviously not here." I said. "Lets go to the Greens room, she's not on the balcony, we would've seen her." I said.

Yoongi nodded then we left to the Greensroom. Miku was sitting there, staring at nothing in particular. She appears to be in a trance or something.

"M-Miku?" Yoongi said. I've never heard him stutter before. She flinched and turned towards us. "Oh..hey.." She said in a low voice.

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