A Classical New Home

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It had been a week since Error started living with the Undertale brothers, and things were going great!

Papyrus was horrified to learn that Error had never eaten anything except poison, so he immediately cooked up a bunch of weird food that Error didn't know the names of for him to try. Unfortunately it was to much for Error as he threw everything back up. To much food for his soul to handle since he wasn't used to food. Alphys had figured that out.

"Papyrus" she explained. "His body and soul isn't used to that much food, just give him tiny amounts at a time ok? Once he gets used to that then and ONLY then can you give him more"
Papyrus wasn't happy about that but he would do anything he could to help Error after what he had been through.

Other than that little fiasco though, things have been going well.

Currently Error was on the couch with his red glasses on, reading a book that Classic had suggested to him. Warrior Cats Yellowfangs Secret. (fucking love that book Hnn-)

He has to say it is a really good book! And he would rather read this than destroy any day. Unfortunately, he still has to Destroy. What you think Ink would stop? Ha! No. Everyone knows why though so they don't mind his Destroying any more.

Sans and Papyrus were currently out with their Frisk so it was just him home alone. He hated being home alone but he would never say anything. Classic had been acting weird towards him, not the bad kind of weird, but Error didn't know if it was good either.
Classic would come up randomly and kiss his face and hold his hands and straddle his waist, making Error uncomfortable, but again, Error would never say anything.

He asked Classic about it once and Classic said that it was normal for people to do...though Error doesn't think that's true...

He yelped as he was suddenly pinned to the couch, book flying out of his hands and too the floor. Red starry eyes were what he was met with. He began to shake and glitch.

"Hello Destroyer." Error gulped.

"Dr-DreAm..." (cliffffhaangggaaaaa)

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