Chapter 27

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Namjoon gently lets you lay down in a spare bed in Yoongi's other home, taking you back to yours wasn't the best idea, and Namjoon wanted to keep an eye on you after the events that just occurred. He presses a kiss to your forehead and keeps the door creaked open as he walked out, joining Yoongi in the living room.

"I didn't realize you had such a hard life," Namjoon comments before he sits across from his best friend, "Who would've thought y'know?"

"Yeah," Yoongi drawls, "It's strange how life can be."

"Y'know after all that, it feels like time is slowing down, kinda dragging out y'know? Like it's boring now," Namjoon scoffs our a laugh, "Maybe it's just me."

"Probably is, I mean I have a lot going on in my life all the time, this? This is normal, the chaos, the confusion..." Yoongi shrugs and Namjoon tilts his head to the side, staring at the black tv screen in front of him.

"Yeah, but my life isn't as chaotic— or well it wasn't until this year," Namjoon breaks out a small smile, "It all started when I met Y/N."

"What's happened since then?"

"Well, y'know, her blacking out, us both winding up in the hospital, us meeting Hoseok and Jungkook—"

"Wait, say that name again?"

"Which one?"

"The first," Yoongi sits up straight, his eyes bugging out a little, "Say that name again."

"Hoseok? Jung Hoseok?"

Yoongi's smile goes wild, and his eyes flash with amusement, "I'll be damned, the bastard still lives."

"Pardon?" Namjoon raises a brow, "You know him?"

"Of course I know!" Yoongi starts to get excited, "He's Blinding Light, probably one of the happiest hitmen I had ever met. He got out of being a hitman, though. He was notorious in the south of Korea, I guess he came north for a better life."

"He doesn't seem like a former hitman though," Namjoon quirks a brow, "He was super friendly to Y/N and I when we first met, and he seemed so... broken when we found him and Jungkook at the hospital."

"Who's Jungkook?" Yoongi looks at his younger friend.

"He took him in, Jungkook was abandoned by his parents. Poor kid was severely sick, Hoseok says he had to take many different jobs for months in order to pay the bill."

"Damn shame," Yoongi slowly shakes his head before letting out a stream of breath, "That's just how the economy is I guess. Everyone's scrounging around for a dollar."

"Amen," Namjoon huffs out as he lays his head back, "Do you think...."

The pausing in his friend's sentence causes Yoongi to raise a brow, his hair dusting his eyes.

"Do you think things will ever slow down for me and Y/N? I mean... we barely have time to even develop our relationship properly. Everything's been such a rush, we've been putting others in front of our relationship... do you think we'll ever have time for just us?"

Yoongi shifts his gaze from Namjoon to the ceiling, a sighing contest seems to be commencing between the two boys, "You gotta make time, Joon. That's the only way it's going to work."

"Right... make time," Namjoon ponders the schedule of the upcoming week and he feels his heart drop to his stomach, his eyes widen and he abruptly sits up, "Yoongi? What's today's date?"

Yoongi quirks his mouth into a straight line, "Um, November... 29th? 30th? Not sure, why?"

The cogs in Namjoon's brain begins to turn, a smile forming to his lips, "The school's Winter Formal is coming up. It'd be nice to take Y/N out to—"

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