»chapter one

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Hope you enjoy the book! :)

~Calum P.O.V~

"Mom, please don't make me go here! I will lose all of my popularity!" I yelled over the phone at my mother. She is making me go to this stupid band camp to somehow "fix my attitude". It's a band camp mom, I don't know how it will "fix my attitude".

"This will be good for you, sweetie," she replied. "Now go and make friends! I love you, goodbye, Cally!" She yelled and hung up. She didn't even give me any time to say bye, I thought. I didn't really care, but I could've tried to change her mind one more time... Even though I'm already on the bus...

"Welcome to Band Camp!" The bus driver exclaimed, opening the bus doors. I waited for everyone to get off before slowly trudging down the aisle and steps.

A voice cracked over the speakers, "Report to the mess hall to find your group once you have found out who your councilor is."

I walked over to what I assumed to be the councilor list, considering there were a ton of kids surrounding it. Once I got to the front of the group I looked over the list and saw my name in a group with a councilor named Jordan. Hmm... Sounds attractive, I thought. I'm bisexual, deal with it.

I put my bag in a pile labeled number 3, which was Jordan's number. Once I had done that I headed to the mess hall to find the rest of my group and Jordan.

As soon as I opened the door of the mess hall I was met by the sounds of singing, talking, yelling, chairs squeaking, and you name it.

I looked around the room for a group labeled 3. As soon as I spotted it, I walked over.

"Hi," I said, giving a small wave to who I presumed was the councilor, considering he looked twenty something.

"Ah, you must be Calum," he greeted as he stuck out a hand for me to shake. "I'm Jordan, the councilor for group 3." I nodded. "We'll go over everyone's name once they get here."

"Alright," I heard someone say loudly. "Seems like eve-" the woman was cut off by someone bursting through the door.

The person shouted, "I'm sorry I'm late! Tristan wouldn't wake up!" I heard a choras of "hi Ashton"'s. I thought to myself, He's probably been here before.

"Okay, like I was saying before I was interrupted" -she gave a playful glare to Ashton- "Since NOW everyone's here, I'll go over a few things then all of you can go to your cabins."

* * * * * * (A/N This means time skip :3)

Once the girl -who I had found out her name was Angi- had stopped talking, everyone in group 3 and turned their attention to Jordan.

"Okay, the cabins will be, Cabin 1: Josie, Sierra, Lindsay, and Kourtney. Cabin 2: Calum, Ashton, Michael, and Luke. (A/N Ik, cheesy right?) Cabin 3: Taylor, Anne, and Michelle," Jordan said, reading off a list. "Now we do introductions. Tell me your name and... Your favorite instrument."

"My name is Taylor, and I like flute," the first girl said. It went on like that until it was my turn.

"Umm...hi... My name is Calum and I guess my favorite instrument is bass guitar..." I said awkwardly. I heard someone giggle and looked across from me and to the left to see Ashton and a girl, I think her name was Lindsay, giggling. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the rest of the people introducing themselves.

* * * * * *

I flopped down on my bed, which was a top bunk, waiting for my other three cabin mates.

Finally, I heard the squeak of the door and looked to it to see a very attractive boy standing there. He was tall, blue-eyed, blonde hair, and his hair was styled in a quiff.

"Hey," I said, jumping down from the bunk and going to shake his hand. "I'm Calum and you are Luke right?"

"Yeh," he said quietly. He sounded very shy. Luke took the bottom bunk on the other set of beds. Soon after Luke, a boy with fuzzy red hair came in.

"What up, bitches!" He said, throwing his stuff on the top bunk of the other set of beds. "I'm Michael. You must be Calum," -he pointed to me- "and Luke," -he pointed to Luke. I nodded my head a decided to wait on my bed for the last cabin mate.

"Hello, I'm Ashton," the boy that had just come in said, putting his stuff down on the bed below me.

"I'm Calum," I replied, sticking my hand down got him to shake. He took it and shook it before going back to unpacking.

"I'm Luke," Luke said, a little louder then he was talking like before.

"And I am Michael!" Michael practically yelled, going over to Ashton and pulling him into a hug. "Sorry," he said, letting go, "I just love hugs." Ashton nodded then went back to unpacking.

* * * * * *

"When do we get food?" I groaned. We had spent the whole day "getting to know each other" (in other words: sleeping or some shit like that).

"Dinner is served at 5PM every night," Ashton replied, not looking up from the book he was reading. I groaned again and looked at the only source of time: a standard clock on the wall.

"Michael, what time is it?" I asked, too lazy to figure it out myself.

Michael looked at the clock before replying, "It is 4:58. So a few more minutes until we can stuff our faces."

"Yay!" I squealed. I looked at Luke to find him asleep. I grinned and came up with a plan. I quietly got down from my bunk and snuck up to Luke's bed.

"Boo!" I yelled, shaking him.

"Ah!" Luke squealed, swatting his hands around while I doubled over in laughter. "Calum," he whined, "you're so mean."

"I know," I said in-between breaths. A bell was heard outside.

"That's dinner," Ashton said, getting off of his bed and walking out the cabin door.

"Ashton," I whined, "wait for us!" He sighed and stopped walking. I jumped on his back and yelled, "Onwards my trusty stead!" He rolled his eyes and started walking again, with Michael and Luke besides him this time.

Once we had gotten our food, Michael, Luke, and I sat down at an empty table. Ashton went off to join some other table with Lindsay.

~Ashton P.O.V~

"Hey, Ash," Lindsay said as I sat down next to her.

"Hi," I replied, waving at the other two girls sitting there. Their names were Whitney and Tia. They're my friends, but not nearly as close to me as Lindsay is.

"Any hot guys in your cabin?" She asked with a wink. I blushed a bright red. I was openly gay and most of the people at this camp knew, excluding the new ones.

"Sadly, yes," I mumbled, picking at my food.

"Wait... Is that sad? Ohhh right, you're a boy," she giggled and so did Whitney and Tia.

"I hate you," I put my head down on the table to hide my blush.

~Author's note~

Happy first chapter!

Hope you enjoyed :)

Love you guys! <3 Stay classy ;)


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