»chapter eight

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I've been writing this book for like two months now and I'm on the eighth chapter. Wow.

~Calum P.O.V~

The whole day was exhausting. We practiced marching while playing and I found out I'm in not too well shape, I need to start working out more. Ashton, on the other hand, was fine. Although, he does have smaller instrument and has been doing this for the past few years...

When it was lunch time, Ashton and I went to go check up on Michael and Luke, only to find them cuddled up and asleep on Luke's bed. They looked adorable.

It is now after dinner and Ashton and I are bringing some food to the other two boys because they're probably starving.

"We have food!" I said happily as I walked into the cabin, Ashton trailing behind me. I walked over to the two boy's who had just been cuddling and not sleeping. "Sit up," I commanded.

Once Michael had sat up, I pushed the plastic plate into his hands while Ashton gently pushed the other plate into Luke's hands. I stood there smiling widely at them. "Thanks..." Luke mumbled before Michael grabbed his hand and smiled at him while he blushed. I just stood there smiling.

"Cally, c'mon," Ashton whined as he started changing in front of us. I admit, my eyes trailed lower then his face. "Get ready for bed so we can cuddle." I nodded and grabbed my clothes, skipping happily to the bathroom.

When I finished changing I hopped in bed with Ashton and wrapped my arms around him and her turned so his back was to my chest. I buried my face into his curly hair as I fell asleep.

* * * * * *

"Get up, Cal," I heard someone say quietly. I groaned and buried my face further into the persons hair. "I need to pee." It was then I realized it was Ashton talking. I blushed a bit before letting go of my grip and allowing him to get away.

I stayed on his bed, snuggled warmly under the covers. Ashton slipped back under the covers and snuggled back up to me. I curled up to him and yawned. "Do we have to do anything today?" I asked sleepily.

"Nope, it's a lazy day," Ashton replied quietly. I smiled and nodded, closing my eyes as I yawned and soon fell back asleep.

* * * * * *

I woke up a few hours later to Ashton reading some book. I cleared my throat before asking, "Whatcha reading?" I put my hand on his stomach as I started reading along with him.

"Hatchet," Ashton replied smiling. He put a bookmark in the book before closing it and putting it on his bedside table.

I wrapped my arms around Ashton and curled up to him. "You're adorable," I heard him whisper and I blushed.

There was a groaned and a bed squeaking. "Quiet down," Michael groaned. "I'm trying to sleep, go have sex somewhere else." I blushed and rolled my eyes. I looked up at Ashton to see him blushing red and I smiled.

~Author's note~

Sorry it's short ;(

I'll try to update soon, but I'm going to Florida for Christmas and my mother is going to make me actually do things *eye roll*

Love you guys! <3 Stay classy ;)

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