»chapter four

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So, this week has probably been the worst week of what I can remember of my life.

This is all from Luke's P.O.V

~Luke P.O.V~

Michael is so hot. Of course I would never tell him that though. He is obviously straight.

"Luke, c'mon!" Michael yelled. He was already in the water splashing around. I shook my head at him. I couldn't let anyone see my scars. "Luuukkkeee," Michael whined as he started walking out of the water towards me.

"No..." I said quietly. He sat down next to me.

"Please?" He asked again. Calum and I want you to swim with us.

"I-uh can't swim..." I replied, a little louder.

"I'll teach you! C'mon please, Luke!"

"N-no..." I mutter, my hands tightening their grip on my towel.

"Please?" I shake my head again. My knuckles are turning white from me holding the towel so tightly. "Why not?"

"I-um... I d-don't want to...?" I say, but it sounds more like a question.

"Okay, but I can tell there is more to it and I will find out what that is," Michael declares before making his way over to Calum in the water. I see them talk for a bit before Michael shrugs and they go back to swimming and splashing each other.

My mind fills up with questions at Michael's words. I find myself lost in my thoughts until someone is shaking me and saying something.

"Luke, c'mon, it's time for dinner," it was Ashton. I nodded and slowly got up. I didn't feel the best. I should've brought my razors... No. Not again. I just got better.

I walk slowly behind the other three guys to the cabin. I grab my clothes and rush to to bathroom to change. They can change out there but no way in hell am I.

"Hurry up!" Calum whines outside of the door as he knocks. I rush to pull on my pants and open the door. I put my head down and walk over to my bed, laying down on it and facing the wall.

"Lukey? You okay?" Michael. He was the only one that calls me Lukey. I nod. "You sure?" I feel the bed sink down behind me. I nod again. Arms wrap around me and I snuggle into him.

We lay there for a few minutes before Calum interrupts. "Alright, love birds lets go get food! I'm starving." Michael leaves the bed and I slowly get out after him. He squats like a duck, inviting me to jump on his back -which I gladly do.

* * * * * *

I sat down next to Michael at the table. Ashton had decided to join us for dinner today.

My tray sat in front of me, untouched. I saw Michael frown at me from the corner of my eye.

"You okay?" He whispers in my ear.

I nod and whisper back, "I'm not feeling the best."

"Want me to take you to the nurse?" He asks with caring eyes.

"No, it's fine. It'll go away soon enough," I reply.

* * * * * *

As soon as we got back to the cabin I was out cold. I was in a dead-to-the-world type of sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. There were are a pair of arms around my waist.

"Luke?" A grumbly voice said in my ear. "Are you okay?" It had to be Michael. The other two are too busy cuddling each other.

"Ye-" I was cut off as I had a coughing fit.

"Luke, do you want me to take you to the nurse?" Michael asked.

"No," I said, my voice was weak and it almost sounded like a whimper. I bit my lip to keep in anymore coughs.

The arms left my waist and Michael got off the bed.

"Mikey," I whimper, slowly turning around. "I don't feel good..." He was putting on clothes.

"I know, Lukey," he replied as he slipped a shirt over his head. "I'm gonna take you to the nurse." I held out my arms for him to pick me up. He chuckled a bit and said, "You're adorable."

He picked me up and I buried my face into his neck as he started walking to the nurse. My eyelids grew heavy and I let my body relax as I fell asleep.

* * * * * *

When I woke up I was greeted by a nurse. Once she was done with the check up she called Michael into the room. She said, "Okay, he has pneumonia. I'll call Luke's mother to see if he can take the medicine in the morning." And with that, she was out the door. Leaving just Michael and I.

I laid back down on the bed and asked, "Cuddle?" Michael smiled and laid down next to me. His arms wrapped around my waist and my face was in his chest.

* * * * * *

In the morning I was awoken by the nurse turning on the light and bringing in some medicine. I tried to sit up, but Michael's arms were holding me down.

"Michael," I said softly. "Can you move your arms so I can take my medicine?"

"No," he grumbled back. "You're comfy."

"Mikey, please? I'll come back and cuddle once I'm done."

"Fine," I got up and went to take my medicine. I went back and laid down next to Michael again. His arms immediately wrapped around me and I smiled as I buried my face into his neck.

~Author's note~

Sorry, I just wanted to write some stuff with Michael and Luke.

This book may or may not contain some Muke...

Love you guys! <3 Stay classy ;)


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