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A/N: Please note that this is just a general knowledge chapter. The story begins in the next one. Thanx! Robi

There are two worlds; the human world, as you know it, and Uerotina. Uerotina is a world full of mythical creatures all co-existing together. The only way you can enter Uerotina is to portal.

There are bottles containing glowing blue liquid. The liquid is the portal. Once a person opens the lid of the bottle, the portal opens. Depending on how much 'liquid portal' you have, that's how long you can keep it open for.

In Uerotina there are the Noblemen. They are the so called leaders of their kind. The Faeries are the ruling creatures of Uerotina.

Uerotina and the human world are at war. They have been at war for many generations. At the beginning of every month there is a "Truce weekend". It is a weekend where soldiers get to rest up and the Generals and Nobles have to attend war meetings.

This is a story about love, courage, determination, sacrifice and powerful friendships. Please enjoy!

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