Meet the boys

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Before I introduce the boys, first off, I'm Tori, and I'm always happy clappy that boys think I'm being flirty. I am extroverted, sociable, sweet, caring, thoughtful and boys fall for that stuff. But trust me, I do not mean to do it on purpose. They just fall for me, and then I'd have to play the bad guy, I friendzone them. It does suck because then, I lose a friend when that happens because boys can't go back to being friends. It's either we become an item or we don't become friends at all. I am sometimes guilty too because I play along with their feelings because I like the attention, but when they reached their max, I turn them down. As selfish as it sounds, I like them... but just as friends. I like the attention and affection, but just as friends. But, there are also quite a lot of guys that I like... but they don't seem to like me back.

And there's always a question I ask myself... "How do I become friends with guys - that is purely just being friends?"

This is a journey of a girl numb to emotions because of the heartbreak from her first love into walking how to open her heart without hurting people along the way. Is she ready to be seen and be loved? What will it take for her to realize that she needs to open her heart?

Is she ready to move on and let go of her first love to give way to the one who wants to love her?

In opening her heart, will people find it beautiful? Will people get hurt because they realize they don't have the special place in her heart?

My ex-almost
Luke: "Technically, he wasn't an ex-boyfriend. But he was an ex-something, an ex-maybe, an ex-almost." We are good friends that are too good that we are too careful, just waiting for one another to admit our feelings in fear that we'll lose the friendship. And of course, one caved in and that's when our friendship, or should I say special friendship took a turn.

Mr. Perfect
Mike: He's one of the cool guys riding his big bike around the city. He does not like to play games and he's very direct. All the girls fall for him because what else could you ask for? He's smart, hot, rich, dresses neatly, the bad boy vibe, caring, gentleman, you name it. He's almost Mr. Perfect. He knows what he wants and he gets it, except that he didn't get me.

Troy: He's very sweet, such a gentleman and does everything I ask him to do. He goes beyond borders, sacrifices a lot just to spend time with me, makes me smile and does those cute little things. It took me time to realize he has feelings for me and when I decided to poke it and when he admitted to it, I panicked and friendzoned him.

Mr. Charmer
Jackson: We met at a spring festival and connected really well. It's one of those once in a lifetime meet ups that is perfectly orchestrated by God for us to get to know each other. I thought he's the perfect guy, my ideal type - tall, blue-eyed blonde guy who plays guitar and loves sports.

Mr. Destiny
Drew: I was on a vacation or should I say on a faraway escape trip to somewhere where no one knows me. I was not expecting to meet someone, let alone meet a guy - a guy whom I apparently crossed paths before but had no idea. We connected really well, had lots of things in common... but 10 days together is not enough to get to know a lifetime of catching up. He intrigues me and makes me want to know him better. But with the short amount of time we have together... I don't know how to make a way.

And with all these boy dramas, I have a girl bestie to dump it all into - Stacey. She's always there to listen to my dramas, call me out when I'm being to flirty, to harsh or too awkward. I may be happy clappy to all the guys I friendzoned, but to the guys I actually like, I get very awkward. I freeze and I mumble out words that does not exist.So read on, and welcome to my life with awkwards encounters with boys."


What do you guys think? And just by the first chapter, who is your favourite??

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