Mr. Destiny | Destined

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The evening came and I decide to go for a walk. This place has improved so much after so many years. It physically looks different but it does feel the same as to the first moment I went here.

When I came back, I am so tired that I just sit at the bench scrolling thru my phone. A few moments later, the guy from the other team that  thought was cute, walks up to me and asked if he could sit with me.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks.

"No, you can sit here if you want," I say and he sits beside me.

"How is it going?" he asks.

"It's going great, I think," I say.

"Is it your first time here?" he asks.

"Not really. I've been here 5 years ago," I answer. I try to be as dry as possible so because I remind myself that I'm not here to meet boys.

"What? I was here 5 years ago too! It was around this time too."

"How long did you stay?" I ask.

"I was here for two months!" he says.

And it intrigued me. How could I not meet him then? I put down my phone and put my full attention to the conversation we're having. "How could I have never met you?"

"It must be because we were hosting a party at the other location. You were probably here when I was there," he clarifies.

"No, I was at the other location too. They divided us into lanyards right, I had color yellow, which color did you have?"

"No way, me too!" he says with pure enthusiasm.

"This is impossible, how could I not have met you?" I ask, curious.

"At least now we finally meet," he says and gives me a sweet smile.

"One last thing... There was an event in California last year from this organization two years ago, did you -"

Before I finish my sentence he answers, "I was there. Were you?"

I nodded in response. I suddenly remembered who I was with during that event. I was with Luke. I must have been preoccupied having him with me there that I dare not entertain nor look at other guys then.

And it dawns on me. Maybe it's destiny that we get to finally meet each other and have a legit conversation. I wonder why didn't destiny let us meet back then? I probably wouldn't appreciate meeting him this way if I had already met him before.

As we carried on our conversation about our passion, dreams in life, likes and dislikes, from serious to funny and sarcastic conversations, the more I feel at ease and curious as to why have I not met him before? Talking to him feels so natural, as if we have already met, but actually not.

Maybe it wasn't the time for us to meet?

Maybe if I met him then, I would just ignore him because I was too blinded with my feelings for Luke. Maybe, I wouldn't appreciate our meeting like how I am appreciating it now.

Maybe... fate tried to pull us apart but destiny brought us back together...


Maybe it's destiny but I remind myself once again, I'm not gonna entertain any boy dramas.

I'm not here to find someone. I'm here to find myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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