Mr. Perfect | Happy place

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"What are you doing this weekend?" Mike asks.

"I don't know actually," I say.

"Perfect! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10 am sharp!" he smiles. One thing I like about Mike is that he is very time-oriented. When he says 10, he really arrives at 10, not 9:59 nor 10:01. Little things like these add up to what is slowly developing in my feelings. Time is very valuable to me and my top love language is time, so I really appreciate that he is so considerate when it comes to time.


"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"You'll see," as he turns up the music and drives away.

"I don't know if I'm even dressed up for this," I ask, conscious about my outfit.

"Don't worry, you look pretty," he says. "As always," he adds, and winks.

I blushed, bit my finger and stared at the window.


"Are you kidding me?" I roll down the window and stare in awe of the beautiful mansion we're parked in front of.

"This is our ancestral home, my Grandmother still lives here tho," he says.

He opens the door and grabs my hand and we walked inside.

"I used to come here very often specially in the first years when my parents divorced," he opens up. "I come back here to relive the happy memories I had when we were still a complete family, so whenever I come here, I don't bring sad memories with me," he tells me.

"Why are you telling me these things?" I ask.

"It's because you're special. And I wanna bring you to my happy place because you make me happy," he tells me.

"You do know how to make your way to make my heart flutter don't you?" I tease.

"Then it means I'm doing a good job," he smiles.

"Oh my, is that my favourite grandson?" his grandma exclaims. She's sitting on the wheelchair as she can't walk on her own anymore. "And who is this beautiful lady you are with?" she asks.

"Hi, I'm Tori. It's very nice to meet you," I say as I gave her a hug.

"Now what threat did my grandson do to make you come here with him?" she jokes.

"Grandma??!" Mike laughs.

"Oh Grandma, let me give you a list," I joked along.


"After this meal, why don't you bring Tori to the vineyard Mike? And while you're there, say hi to the workers too. They're gonna be so shocked how much you've grown," Grandma suggests.

"I would love that!" I say and look at Mike with full excitement.

We head to the backyard and see a bicycle. "I hope you don't mind ridinga a bicycle," he says.

"Are you kidding me?! I love bicycles!" I say. It triggers yet a lot of memories I've had with Luke. It's because of him that riding bicycles now hold a sentimental memory.

We drove past the small towns and everyone we drove past to knew Mike. He was so kind to everyone and almost stopped every time we see an elderly needing assistance. With the thoughtfulness he's been showing me, I realized it was genuine and for him to just not score on me. It's really just who he is.

"We're here!" he exclaims. He points at the wide vineyard and points at the workers and introduced them to me from afar.

"Why don't you go and say hi to them?" I suggest.

I see Mike running towards the workers, giving them a hug one by one, bringing laughs to their seemingly tired faces. He looks at me and gestures for me to come.


We went for a walk in the middle of the vineyard, picking up fresh grapes to eat. He hands me a handful of grapes. It triggers a memory again of what Luke did. Luke would always bring me fruits, especially grapes whenever he comes over. I'm silly, but I hold on to memories like that. It lets me live in the past where I used to feel happy.

But I look at Mike who genuinely cares for me, direct towards his feelings and shows it. I don't want to hurt him by comparing him to the memories of the past.

"Why don't we go sit for a while?" I suggest.

We head to the barn where they keep all the harvested grapes.

After the my confession to Luke, I felt like I have nothing to lose when I become direct with my feelings. Mike is so direct and I wanna match his energy by giving him honesty too.

"Thank you for bringing me here and making me a part of your happy place," I tell  Mike.

"Of course, I wanna earn my place in your heart. If only you let me in," he says.

"If only you let me in..." This phrase is on repeat in my mind. I realize, after Luke, I haven't been open towards anyone. I unconsciously closed my heart toward guys who want to come close.

"You see, it's not that easy to open my heart," I tell him honestly. He looks down, almost lost his hope. "And I don't want to hurt you, nor myself if I will." I add.

"I understand. I know that for a fact that's why I chose to pursue you. I know it's gonna be difficult but it's gonna be worth it. You're gonna be worth it. Behind that happy personality, I know it's hard to break those walls. And because it's hard, I know once those walls go down, there's something beautiful hidden within," he tells me.

"Do you watch a lot of movies to know how to say such lines in moments like this?" I joke to lessen the seriousness away.

"No, I just speak from my heart," he tells me. "But if I don't get to have your heart, at least let me see it," he says. Those words really bring security in my heart. This guy is not after anything I am not yet ready to give.

"You're such a good friend," I tell him.

"Friend, I hope more than that," he jokes.

I playfully hit his arm and let out a good laugh.

"Jokes aside, I appreciate you so much," I tell him.

"That's more than enough for me to hear," he tells me and gives me a hug.

"Ah ah, not too long. I don't want you falling for me deeply," I joked again.

I always make a good joke out of very serious situations. It's the only way for me to face the reality without feeling awkward and without spilling what's in my heart. I am just not ready to be vulnerable - not that much, again... just yet.

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