Chapter Seven: "I'm gay."

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Asher POV:
When I woke up, my legs were entangled with Jack's. We were really close, and it caused me to blush. I brushed it off and carefully tried to get out of the bed. I found my clothes and was about to change when Jack woke up. "Morning." "Oh, you're up." "How long have you up?" "For like two minutes." "Oh, good. What time is it?" "10:30." "Breakfast?" "Sure."
We ate breakfast in his kitchen quietly. Then he spoke up. "So, are you ok after last night?" "I...don't know. It still really hurts but thanks to you, I think all my tears are gone." "Good. I don't want you to feel bad." (I switched styles UwU)
A: Jack?
J: Yeah?
A: Thanks. For everything.
J: No problem.

Jack POV:
We both smiled and I decided that I should tell him.
Jack: Asher?
Asher: Uh-huh?
Jack: I need to tell you something.
Asher: What is it?
Jack: I don't want to ruin our friendship but I have to say this. Please don't make fun of me.
Asher: Never.
Jack: Ok, well... I'm gay.
Asher: Oh that's-
Jack: And I have a crush on you.
Asher: Really?
Jack: Y-yeah.
Asher: I...I...
Jack: I know, I know, you don't feel the same, it's ok, really.
I was on the verge of tears.
Jack: I know you're straight I'm sorry, I-
Suddenly, a pair of lips were on mine.

(It's short again, rip.)

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