Chapter 2

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Someone's POV

'Can't you believe it? That girl still has a guts to fight with you' He saids while laughing from the other line. And that's how he jokes when he calls me whenever he wants so can I get rid of him someday?

( A/n: You're kidding right? His like a brother to you that you always gives him a support)

'Shut it before I change my mind to send you back home' warning him makes him back to a serious attitude and that also makes them awkward and surrounded by a peaceful aura.

'Chill bro, I don't mean to make you mad feel like this but I was just stating the fact the way how she acts infront of you that day' He saids with a serious tone of his voice and yeah I feel him and he has a point.

That girl...

She seems like no different from us base on how she unfearfully facing us and talking back to me.

What is she really up to?

What is she really??

Is she the one that our Master's talking about for our mission???

No this can't be..

'Hey bro are you ok? What were you thinking this time to make you like a manequin?' Daniel ask worriedly and actually his like a maknae for me.

And that makes me sense when he asks if what was I thinking.

'That girl from yesterday...' I simply responded to his question

'what about her?' he continiously ask like as if his so concious and interested.

'Have you got any idea what's her identity?' seriously asking and that's how I start to wear my mask as a leader.

'Hyung...' Daniel ask innocently but yet his easy to get the point whenever he sees me act being very serious.

'Where are the others? Call them and inform them to start gathering' seriously giving him an order and he starts to take his phone with him.

And that's how the real mission about to start so better stay still and be ready for our mission to solve it.

A/n: And that's the end of the chapter so thank you and -

Yaaahh, who saids that this is the end??? I'm not done yet for my point of view, so you better wait for your turn ok?

A/n: I'm not afraid or fear you, so whatever.


Jane's Pov

And so here I am with Jianne at the secret place that we always hangout since first year of junior high.

We've always like to go here to have a conversation for some matter and also playing around whenever we joke around with each other.

And here she goes again, taking out her sketchbook and about to draw something weird and mysterious that no one could ever knows what it is but only both of us can get and understand.

"Jianne" trying to caught her attention then approach her to see what she was trying to drew again. "hmm?" Only simply respond that I heard from her, but well I used to it ever since. "have you seen something that interest you again?" asking her out of the blue while watching her from doing a sketch. "Yep, and just look from the 12:00 of your direction" she codely says without looking at me. "what 12 o'clock?" innocently asking her then I just followed her hands pointing at one direction which is only right infront to both of us.

And now I get what she's trying to say.
Hehe, I might somehow a slow but yet we've been both called or known as a mysterious and genius partner

"Jane look! The sunset is about to rise." jianne says with her cheerful voice pointing at the same direction then she hurriedly takes off her camera to capture it in a beautiful and view with a perfect shot.

"Jane stand over there hurry" that's how she is whenever she's in a good mood especially whenever we go to a place we always wanted to.

- After few minutes past -

"Let's go Jane" Jianne called when she stoods up from the spot where she was sitting at while ago. I gave her a nod to respond then also follows her

"where -" 

"it depends on where our feets bring us to" Jianne plainly answer while walking after me then while me just trying to catch her speed walking.

"can't we continue this tomorrow or in the weekends like saturday and sunday?" I ask while catching my breath for being tired of walking.

Geez feel like I'm gonna die soon, this girl is really have something that you can't never see an answer even in her actions or appearance.

'Spa-spare me some time to live plss! I-I really didn't meant that way' that voice is seems like in trouble but who is that person talking to for begging a life?

"Ji-wait, where did she just go? and seriously? why just leaving me here in this situation?" looking around hoping she is just around here somewhere and hoping not getting herself involved there.


TRM : The Real Monsters [ON GOING] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon