Chapter 3

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Jianne's POV

As soon as my phone's ringtone played, I finally woke up then started to do a routine same the old days then finally preparing myself for another weekdays of schooldays.

"Do I really have to meet with that annoying guy?"

After seeing a group of 7 gangsters this the reward that I would get in my life, seriously??"

Talking to myself standing infront of the big mirror that could also see your whole body from head to toe while I was still preparing myself when someone from downstairs just yelled for me to hear but honestly...

I can hear it already enough for that person to shout for just calling me to get down.

"Jianne, it's time for breakfast, hurry up and bring your ass here before you get late fo–I'm already here mom, so you don't have to say it" I said as soon as I also take my previous place where I used to seat every meal time.


When I finally reach my destination to school I firstly take my way to the Girl's locker room to take my personal school notes and also as for my shoes to change it in to another shoes for classroom.

(A/n: This school is so into something special haha! Like it but yet this University school is like so mistyrious like what the other rumors says.)

So quiet like no one's been here at this time. But wait...

Am I really came at a right time or I'm just the only person who came so early for the class? Ghaad!

And at that time I peek on my phone to see a time and after that it makes me to heave a deep sigh and decides to walks in my designated room to clean them up, putting all the tables and chairs back to their proper places.

Who the hell are those people who's incharge to clean this during dismissal class?!

Didn't I warn them to do their duty as a cleaners??? As if they were expecting me to do it again.

"Look who's here, so early for the class to start huh" coming from the door then he came in and that cause me to look at his direction which also have caught me looking at him.

Oh 'mahy geez! why do I feel like my body's frozen?! Help me someone plss

Without realizing that my face is turning to a red and no idea that his already beside me helping me for taking the tables and chairs to its designated places.

"Hahaha! Are you alright? You seems looks like that you are out of this world" he chuckle after seeing my blank expression then he asked while he was wiping out a dusk on ever tables and chairs.

Andrei Sylvexter seriously why are you like this to me ?

"You're so really indepent and diligent person Jianne, let me take care of this and you can sit for now" Andrei saids as if he was really trying to save me through this situation.

"No, let me do it Drei I can do this and also you don–don't tell me you're trying to take other's duty again? Didn't you tell them to those  who are involve for friday's cleaner before they leave?" Andrei cuts me off and gives me a shocked by his sudden expression realizing that I am not the one whom should be here to clean this room.

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