pulling some strings

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London Bridge Hospital, England, 24 August 1963, 9:00 am. 

"Hook her up to another IV and morphine for the pain Chloe.", Kelly, the lead surgeon said. 

"Okay. We also need a bandage for the stitches."., another nurse said. 

Joan slowly opened her eyes and groaned. She was hurting all over. She wanted her baby.  She was met with white light. 

'Am I dead? Is this what heaven looks like?", she thought. 

She moved her eyes to the right and saw nurses and surgeons. She looked down and saw giant stitches being sewn onto her stomach. She gasped. 

Chloe, the assistant surgeon, snapped her head towards the sound. 


"Hello, Miss. You're in hospital right now. We've removed the bullet found in your stomach--"

"Where's my baby?", Joan asked with a strain in her voice. Her stomach was throbbing. 

"The baby's fine. Now, as I was saying. The bullet has been removed and you have been stitched up. You'll have to stay a couple of days--"

"I SAID, WHERE'S MY BABY?! AAAAHHHH ", Joan cried out in pain. The EKG spiked up and started beeping with a warning. 

"Miss, you have to calm down. You're baby's safe. There's a man holding her in the waiting room."

"A man?", Joan asked. She was worried. What if Glenn found her? What if he was hurting her precious Eleanor.

"Yea. A man."

"How does this man look like?"

"Pardon me for saying this...but he's the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. He's a tall, slim, but muscular man. He has the most beautiful doe eyes that can put you in a trance...he's just perfect--"

"Get to the point. Just tell me what he looks like and what he's doing with my daughter.", Joan snapped. She was having enough of this nonsense. 

"Have it your way then. He has some weird hairstyle...almost like a mop. He's wearing a white shirt with the right sleeve torn off...he used it to stop the blood flow. Thank god for that we would have lost you. He's wearing a suit jacket over that. As of 5 minutes ago, he's been cuddling your daughter and cooing at her." 

Joan sighed with relief. This man was not Glenn. Still, she wondered how this man got his hands on her baby. More nurses came and hooked her on some new liquids. She felt the throbbing pain in her stomach to slowly diminish as the morphine took effect. 

"How did he get his hands on my baby...Chloe?", Joan asked, reading the nurse's name tag. 

"Oh. He claims to have found you in your house. Says he and his mate were out walking when they heard a bang and a man rush out of your house with a gun. They went in. He found you and his mate called the police. Thanks to them, your house is now a crime scene.", Chloe chuckled. 

"Can I see them. Both him and my baby?"

"Visiting hours don't start until 10:00.", Chloe saw the look of sadness on Joan's face. She looked at Kelly, who nodded. 

"But...I could pull a few strings and get them in here."

Joan smiled. A genuine smile for the first time. 

"Thank you"



After what seemed like forever, a man walked in carrying her baby, who was wrapped in a blanket. Her Eleanor. 

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