fear can taint

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"When it comes to determining child custody, however, sexism is the rule"~Phyllis Schlafly 


Cavendish Avenue, London, England, 20 December 1963, 8:30 am. 

"Have you read the papers, Paul?", Chloe asked him as she handed him a cup of tea. 

"Oh, the ones where they think I'm on acid or something?", Paul replied monotonously. 

Chloe nodded. 

"I just want this to be over!", Paul huffed. He ran his hands through his hair, causing it to stick up in places. His shirt was wrinkled and his pant legs were not in line.

 He slumped in his chair while drinking the scalding tea. Chloe couldn't help but laugh at the sight. 

"Well, if you want this to be over, you're gonna have to take care of yerself hmm?", Chloe replied. She decided to stop by today as Paul would need all the support he could get. 

Paul groaned. He knew she was right. The court wasn't going to grant him custody of Eleanor to a weak, supposed acid user. 

Chloe saw the distress in him. She moved to the sofa and sat next to him. 

"I'm just so scared. It seems silly, but what if I don't get it? What if they just send her to some horrible orphanage with no memory of her mother? What if I freeze and mess up and--"

Chloe placed her hand on his arm to comfort him. 

"Paul, you can't let fear get to you like that. You can't let anxiety get to you like that. This was not the Paul I knew at the hospital. This Paul is weak and helpless. That boy wasn't like that. Fear and anxiety can taint your judgement, Paul. Don't let it get to you." 

Paul placed his hand on hers. 

"Thanks. You're the best "sister" anyone could ask for.", Chloe couldn't help but feel heartbroken at what he'd said. 

What did she expect anyway? This boy could have anybody he wanted. He already had someone. She couldn't help but feel jealous of Jane...and Joan. But she tried to not let it show. 

"Yea. That's what sisters are for.", Chloe smiled. Paul smiled back. 

"Now, if I'm not mistaken, you have a hearing to get ready for, son.", Paul laughed. 

"Yes ma'am, I shall kindly take your leave", Paul lowered a faux hat and staggered to his bedroom. 


City of London Magistrates' Court, London, England, 20 December 1963, 11:00 am. 

As Paul and Gregory sat in the chairs provided to them in front of the judge, the anxiety in Paul rushed in. He looked up into the glass booth and saw Chloe and John sitting quite calmly. John made eye contact with him and gave him a thumbs up. 

The hearing began. 

At first, it was normal. That's because Gregory was the one talking. Presenting his case with confidence. All the work he had put into seemed like it would pay off by the passion in his voice. You could hear the persuasive tone in his voice. 

Paul simply kept his head up and tried to breathe calmly. Truth be told, he was scared. Scared of how this would affect his future, how it would affect his and Jane's relationship when she did find out. 

But he was willing to risk it all. Just so that Eleanor had a chance to live a somewhat normal life. And to hope that her mother would stay alive 

"Joan has been abused physically and emotionally by her fiance, Glenn Boltman. My client has reported that he found her with a gunshot wound in her lower abdomen. 

He has also reported that Glenn is the one who had kidnapped her. There are multiple witnesses to this case. Glenn Boltman got hired as a nurse at the hospital, only to have kidnap, Joan. I have Glenn's faux job application letter with me. 

I also have her papers from the hospital. If my Lord wants, I may present them to the court in order to further prove my point. 

My client believes that Joan's daughter, Eleanor Crawford deserves a better life than what she's going through right now. He also wishes for Joan to reunite with Eleanor someday. ", Gregory ended his speech. 

Paul was now breathing heavily. He knew it was time to make his statement. 

"And now if Mr.James Paul McCartney will step up to the podium to make his statement.", the Judge calmly spoke into the microphone. 

Paul couldn't do it. He was too scared. Was this worth it? Was all of this worth it? They probably would just deny him custody anyways. Eleanor would probably be taken to an orphanage. Joan...wherever she was, would probably not make it. 

"Mr McCartney?", the judge spoke again. Paul was frozen. He began shaking. And hyperventilating. 

"I...I'm sorry...I...I...can't do this.", Paul struggled to let the words out from his mouth. 

And just like that, he rushed out of the court. 


A.N: This is a very short chapter, but it's a two-part chapter if that makes sense. Sorry for not updating for 2 weeks. I've had a rough mental health phase these past few weeks, along with writer's block. Thank you to RedRoseCreates for helping me with the plot. I've been consulting her literally all the time! Also, thanks to all the new followers for following me! Also, we are so close to 600 reads! I've never reached that number yet! WE CAN DO IT! 

Till we meet again,



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