somewhere (2)

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"I will never understand why it is more shameful to be raped than to be a rapist" ~Sara Erdmann


America, Some date, 1963, 9:30 am, according to the cracked wall clock.

"A...America? How...How did you get me here?! I was drugged! There had to be a police officer there!", Joan began to sober up and was beginning to get angry. She felt ashamed that she wasn't able to stop him...she didn't blame the drug.

"Simple...I just told them you were deaf and dumb. I put you in a wheelchair, put sunglasses on you and a coat. They were easily convinced", Glenn smiled victoriously.

"Why you little....", Joan began to scream. She fidgeted and tried to free herself of the ropes he'd tied her in. All the emotions and the anger she'd kept to herself began to let itself out.


Glenn reached and grabbed her neck. He began squeezing it tighter and tighter. Joan began to gasp and choke.

"Don't say a hear me. One more peep out of you and I'll shoot understand.", his alcohol-scented breath made contact with her face and Joan tried to hold her breath. He let go and she began gasping for air.

Joan felt her eyes close to exhaustion.

The last thing she saw was Glenn downing an entire bottle of whiskey. The last thing she felt was shame and pain...all in one.


Cavendish Avenue, London, England. November 11, 1963, 2:30 pm.

"Do you have the evidence Gregory?", Paul exhaled from his cigarette with a puff, trying to relax. All the stress was getting to him. Recording sessions with the lads usually lasted till around 4:00 am, and then the rest of the day would go by with Gregory, writing a pleasable case for the court hearing.

He'd end up being sleep deprived, not in the mood to eat or drink anything. He felt miserable and didn't know how long this would last.

"Yes, Paul. All you need to worry about is showing up at court with a nice suit and tie and showing up on time at the court. All the meetings you've been scheduling with me won't do you any good, you're just exhausting yourself."

"I know sir. But I want to make sure we can guarantee custody of her."

"That's my job Paul, not yours. Now, I know how busy you are recording with your band. Perhaps you should invest your time there. And get some sleep son."

"Spoken like a therapist sir...and its exactly what my mum would have said.", Paul's mood changed with the memory of his mother counselling him.

'Stop worrying about the rest of the world for once and worry about yourself. You won't be doing any good to others if you don't set time aside for yourself and take care of yourself', she had said with a kiss and a hug.

"Ah. Therapist. Perhaps you should look into that. You seem extremely stressed and anxious. I've seen it. You've got to learn to control your emotions lad. A therapist may be exactly what you need."

Paul felt a wave of anger rush into him. The way he'd heard it, Gregory was calling him an emotional wreck. An emotional wreck who needed a therapist as a mechanic to tighten some screws in him and patch him up and send him out into the world.

"No, sir. A therapist is the last thing I need. The only thing I need is custody over Eleanor. And I would very much appreciate if you just did your job!", Paul sneered and hung up.

A wave of regret hit him and he buried his face in his hands. Then anger boiled in him.

Everyone thought that something was wrong with his mind and body. But he didn't. It was just these questions that were carved into his brain about Joan and Eleanor. But he wanted answers.

He wanted to know where she was.

The answer to his questions. was somewhere...but he couldn't find it...and no way to do so.

And that killed him...


America, Some date, but definitely not the same day as before, 1963, 1:00 pm, according to the cracked wall clock.

Joan's eyes fluttered open. All around her were broken shards of glass. Some shards stuck in her hair and some in her skin. She would normally cry out in pain. But now, she no longer felt it. Nor did she have the energy and willpower left in her to cry out.

She scooted close to some of the big shards like a caterpillar, not really feeling anything when they plunged into her skin. Not being able to use her hands as they were tied to her stomach, she took a large shard of glass by her teeth. She tried shifting herself onto her back by rolling over. After a while, she ended up flat on her back.

With the shard of glass still in her mouth, she chucked it at her stomach with her mouth. Her fingers instantly reached for the glass shard. They immediately began cutting at the ropes. Every so often, she would miss the rope and cut her finger. She didn't feel any pain, she actually felt good.

Nevertheless, she continued cutting at the ropes, glancing at the door to make sure he wasn't coming. She began frantically cutting at the ropes as nothing was happening.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the ropes came undone. Her hands were cramped. She rubbed at them. She worked and got her legs untied as well. 

Free at last, her first instinct was to try to contact Paul. Escaping would be pointless. Glenn would just find her again.

 She scrambled around the house trying to find some paper and a pen. 

She began writing as fast as she could. As she wrote, blood dripped onto the paper, but she didn't mind. 


I don't know how to start this off. But, I'm alive. I hope you haven't forgotten about me. 

I don't know what date it is, I only know that it has been a few months since I've been taken. 

Glenn has taken me. I just want to put that out there, so if you are reporting this to the police, tell them his name. 

I'm only able to write this to you because Glenn isn't here right now. He's out somewhere. Hell, I'm out here somewhere. I have no idea what to do Paul. I'm so scared. But I miss my baby like hell. 

How is Eleanor?  It's been so long since I've seen her sweet face and smile. It's been so long since I've kissed her soft baby face and cuddled her and fed her. It's been so long since I've seen you. I hope you are taking care of Eleanor and giving her all the hugs, kisses, and the cuddles. I miss you both. 

Glenn has made me feel ashamed. I don't know why since he was the one who raped me, but I'm a mix of emotions right now. He has left me starving, beats me up during the day, and rapes me in the night time. 

I have forgotten what being treated like a human feels like.  

 Now, onto the reason, I have written to you. I have acquired vague details of where I am. Glenn has taken me to--

Joan felt a bang on the back of her head. Not a gunshot bang, luckily, but it felt like she was hit with a cricket bat. 

"You thought you could get away from me...foolish bitch.", Glenn scoffed. 

The last thing Joan saw was Glenn burning the paper with a lighter. 

The last thing she felt was...nothing. 




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