she's different ya know

130 16 13

President Hotel, London, England, 24 August 1963, 10:45 am. 

"Ye finally decided to show up eh Macca?", John asked Paul, who still hadn't slept and changed his clothes. 

"Shut your trap, Lennon. I was in the hospital.", Paul answered. He was annoyed. 

"Hospital? What the hell were you doing in there? Are you okay?", George butted in. Ringo also nodded. Both of them had no idea what had happened. 

John and Paul explained all the events that had occurred before. 

"And she has the most adorable little baby in the world. Eleanor. Joan herself is so beautiful. It's not fair what she has to go through.", Paul explained contently.

"Sounds like a good catch Macca. What does Jane think?", John asked. 

"Jane isn't even home. She would've killed me by now if she knew. Saying things like how I should be spending my evenings with her instead.", Paul looked distressed. He rested his elbows on the coffee table and rested his head in his palms. 

"I don't know Lenny. We're falling apart. I keep telling her that I want her here. With me. All she wants to do is leave me. I told her she'll find plenty of acting gigs in England, but she's just set on going anywhere but here. I told her I wanted to settle down and have a family. But she says we're so young--"

"We are young Macca. But I can't argue with you on having a family. Being a father to Jules has been an absolute blessing.", John said. He reached over and wrapped his arm around Paul's shoulder. Paul really appreciated John's 'big brother' attitude. 

"Didn't know you had a heart in that cold body of yours.", Paul joked and ruffled John's hair. He swatted his hand away and stood up. 

"Well, let's stop moping. Paul, shower right now, please. Let's start practising. We have a few shows to do and a single that Brian wants to be recorded before November." John handed Paul a towel and robe. 

As Paul washed his body, all he could think of was Joan. 

'There's something different about her. Something. I just can't put my finger on it.' Paul thought to himself. The hot water was turned off and Paul dried his body and slipped on the robe John gave him. As he exited the shower, he was met with his bandmates playing their guitars. As Ringo's drums were too big, he was just thumping his thighs. He figured it was time to have some fun. Paul picked up his bass and strummed ferociously, startling the other three. 

"The star of the show has arrived! Oh my humble subjects, bow to me!", Paul said while strutting 'fancily'. 

"NEVER YA' WANKER!", George cried out and threw a pillow at Paul. 

"Relax son. I'm just jokin' with ya's. Besides, we actually have to get practising", Paul said ruffling George's hair. 



After what seemed like an eternity of practice, Paul decided to have a break. He had promised Joan that he would visit her anyway. Plus, he wanted to see Eleanor. She brought this unknown delight into him. 

He called for a taxi and rode to the hospital. He was restless. Bouncing his knee in his seat and chewing on his index finger. 

"Meeting someone sir?", the taxi driver asked. 

"If you call it meeting. Visiting actually."

"Special someone then?"

"No. We're friends. I think." 

"Well sir, ya's don't act like she's just your friend.", the taxi driver replied. Paul wondered why the driver was talking to him so nicely. 

"I dunno. She's different ya know. I only formally met her this morning, but we clicked. I opened so much about my life with her. I've never been able to do that with any other bird. All they want from me is a pleasure for themselves." 

"And do you give them pleasure?", the driver asked. Paul cringed

"If I'm honest with you...yes. And I know its wrong. Especially cuz I have a girlfriend. But she's hardly home. And there are rumours being spread that she's slept with other men. I don't believe that at all. But something happened this morning with Joan--the girl I met. It's like I forgot Jane and all the other birds existed when I was with her and her daughter." 

"Well, maybe this Joan isn't a bird. She's a girl. I know girls. I have two daughters. They don't put up with bullshit. So my advice, if you want to get serious with this girl, you need to clean up your act son. No pulling one night stands. No other girls. She should be the first person you think about when you wake up and the last person you think about when you go to sleep."

"Wow. Thank you, sir." The Hospital was popping into view. 

Paul opened the window and paid the driver. He handed a little bit extra. 

"Sir, I'm afraid you gave me the wrong amount. That's way too much." 

"I know. You deserve it. Thanks for the talk in the car."

"Good luck son." 

Paul waved at the cab and opened the hospital gates. 


Paul knocked on room 909. 

"Come in.", he heard a familiar voice. He smiled and entered. 

Joan was sitting up. Not laying down as opposed to the morning. Eleanor was placed in a high chair. Eleanor looked at Paul and smiled. She recognized him and began to kick her legs and move her arms up and down. 

"I think she remembers you Paul.", Joan said with a smile. 

"Hello, Joan. Hi Eleanor!", Paul cooed at Eleanor. 

"Can I carry her?", Paul asked. 

"Of course. You've done so much for us. You deserve this.", Joan smiled at his enthusiasm to hold her daughter. If only Glenn had been like this. 

Paul lifted Eleanor out of her high chair and brought her close to his chest. He gave her multiple kisses on her cheeks and forehead. He then sat her on his knee and gave her a kiss on the top of her head and bounced her on his knee. Joan was in awe about this man. He acted like he was Eleanor's father. She wished for a man like Paul in her life. She wished that Glenn was this caring. 

"You know I don't let many people hold her, let alone kiss her or cuddle her? I even don't let men come near me. It's too frightening after what Glenn's been to me.", Joan asked.

"Really? What makes me different?", Paul asked. 

"I don't know. I guess I just felt comfortable around you. Especially after the nurse told me about what you did with Eleanor. I guess I felt that anyone who's affectionate towards my daughter would be just as kind to me. You already did that Paul.", she took his hand.

"And I thank you for that.", Joan added. 

Paul gripped her hand with his. He stroked her knuckles. They continued talking about their day. Paul told her about his band practice while Joan told him about her day at the hospital. As they both were talking, Eleanor turned so she was against Paul's chest. She snuggled herself into his chest and closed her eyes, sleeping almost immediately.  Paul's eyes welled with tears. He looked at Joan, who's eyes were welled up as well. 

He'd never felt this content in his lifetime. 


A.N: Hope you like the chapter! Vote and comment on what you think! Thanks for over 100 reads in 4 days! Love you guys! 



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