I missed you so much (Frerard)

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My Chem has been gone for a while now, all of the boys have been working on something all by themselves. Frank and Gerard have their albums out and are touring. Funny thing, they happened to be in the same city one night, and in the same hotel. Frank and his band mates were waiting for the lady to get the keys for their rooms and the guy who'll get their luggage when, Gerard Way and his band walks in. First no one notices, but when he starts to talk for the reception lady, Franks head shots up and he sees him, the man he has missed for oh so long. Few tweets for each other few times a month isn't enough for Frank, he wants to hold him, and feel him, and know that he's really there. But he can't. He's got Jamia, Cherry, Lily and Miles. But he'd give anything if he'd just get to talk to Gerard, which he was gonna do.

When Gerard was done with talking to the girl, and he and his band started to wait for their keys too, Frank stood up and started walking towards his "friend". They were so close back then, they even promised to marry each other, but then Lynz and Jamia somehow just fell into their lives and everything changed.

They didn't cuddle in the tour bus anymore, sleep next to each other, and those few times they kissed on stage, Gerard said it was just 'stage gay'. Frank was happy with Jamia, and he loved her and his kids, but he really, really missed Gerard. Might have even loved him, even more than Jamia. Gerard felt the same way, it hurt him to take distance from Frank. He just thought that it was what Frank wanted. In reality, both of them just wanted things to be like they used to be, they just didn't ever say it to each other.

"Hey. Didn't expect to see you here." Frank stated

"Wow, hey. What's up man? Haven't seen you in a while, how's it going?"

"Nothing special, y'know, just touring and touring. Lot of pressure but, it's fine. Feels good to be on stage again, and writing songs."

"I see, how's singing? Harder than it looks ain't it?"

"Yeah, I know, it is."

And that's when the lady with the keys came back.

"Here's for Mr.Way, and you were Mr.Ier-I-Iro-Eyer-.."

"Iero, and thanks." Frank said smiling and took the keys from the woman. Gerard giggled a little when she couldn't spell Frank's name. Frank still loved that giggle. They both went back to their band mates, gave the keys and went for the huge elevator that could fit 10 people at least.

It was an awkward silence in the elevator full of men, and only two of them had a past with each other. They walked out of the elevator on the fifth floor, and there was a long hallway infront of them, they started to look for the number on their key from the doors. And by pure accident, Gerard's and Frank's rooms were right next to each other. They looked at each other, flashed an awkward smile and started to work on the doors.

"You know, we should chat more, I could come to your room, or you could come to mine." Gerard said, and this surprised Frank, but he nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah, sure, I'll come to yours, I'll be there in few minutes, I got to do couple things first."

"Oh, yeah, sure, okay, just knock then." Gerard said smiling, and with that they were both in their rooms and behind closed doors. Both started to do something for their appearance, nervous like teenage girls before their first date. Gerard started to put his hair, Frank started to put his hair too and decided to change his shirt. They had been driving for a long time and smelled like sweat and bad coffee. So they both changed their clothes and hair. When they were ready, Frank fangirled a little and then he sighed and walked out of his room and went to knock on Gerard's door. On the third knock it was already opened and there was a blushing, nervous looking and smiling Gerard standing in front of Frank. They walked in, and towards the kitchen of the hotel room. There was a huge window and infront of it was a table, that had only two chairs on it's both sides. Frank sat down and Gerard walked towards the closet and took out two shampange glasses.

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