48 || BLACK - PINK

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"Y-yeah...that's fine." But one would've been okay. Jennie wasn't going to admit that though. "What is the plan for the rest of the night?" Jennie decided to go on with the conversation.

"Restaurant, located at the beach nearby."


"Is...this okay--" Jennie was cut off as she was about to suggest whether if her attire was decent enough for tonight.

"Change your outfit. It's not the most suitable for this restaurant." Jimin wasn't even looking at Jennie, as he walked over to his luggage, lifting it onto the bed. He unzipped his luggage, wanting to see what he had available.

Jennie gulped, nervously, not remembering whether if she packed anything 'formal'. She didn't know what to expect, since the invite for this trip was such short notice.



"Wait, what was wrong with what I'm wearing right now?" Jennie thought her outfit was fancy in its own way.
"It's the definition of trash for this restaurant"



Jennie's jaw dropped to the ground as she heard those words. She was speechless, hearing her be judged by what she was wearing for the first time!

How dare he—-

"Do you want to use the shower or can I go first?" Jimin finally glanced up at Jennie, a look in his eyes that she couldn't seem to decipher. Her heart leaped for a split second, clouding her thoughts, before she pushed that feeling aside.

"You can go." Jennie opened her luggage hastily, making it seem like she was busy deciding on her outfit. But oh boy, was her anger about to go off the roof---

"Alright. Thanks." Footsteps were heard, as jimin approached the bathroom. It wasn't too long, until a feeling of fear crept in her stomach. Her anger had washed away like ocean waves.

"Shit, I don't have anything nice to wear!" She dug through her suitcase, as if she was trying desperately to find a pot of gold. Her once neatly folded clothes were now a jumbled mess.

She combed her fingers through her hair, a huge frown creeping on her face.

What was this restaurant like?

What was considered appropriate.

"Well, I guess it's time to mix and match."

Jennie stared at the clothes, and outfits she had originally planned to put together for day outfits. Maybe a cute restaurant during LUNCH, and a casual cut girly outfit when going to the mall.

She glanced at her outfits, rooting for a suit type top with a black skirt.

Hopefully she would do well in her decision.

Boy was this stressful


Jimin had come back within a 15 minute time frame. The calming scent of lemon grass and wafted from him, and jennie's senses relaxed just a little.

He had walked out with a pair of pyjama bottoms and a baggy black shirt.

Was he going to a restaurant like that or---

"You can use the shower now." Jennie briefly nodded her head, closing the door behind her.

Click. And the door was locked.

Stripping off of her clothes, she decided to step in the shower. Jimin didn't even give a proper time as to when they were leaving.

But there was surely no time to waste.

Lipstick Obsession  - (jenmin)Where stories live. Discover now