Chapter 1: Alley Ways Are not The Way

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I stepped out of the convenient store, Rummaging through the bag of recently bough groceries. Going over the list one last time before I completely left to head home, I picked up the small milk jug, glancing down at the new tube of tooth paste and cup a noodle packets. Then it hit me like a baseball hit by a kid who didnt know what they were doing. I forgot the eggs, the eggs I swore that I would get this time.

I glanced back at the store behind me, do I have enough for them this time?

Opening my wallet, it seemed as if a fly flew right out of it. Signaling I don't have enough for the eggs, again.

I slouched my shoulders, I'll just get them next time. We should have enough money next week, we're going to have to survive off of cereal again until then though.

I shrugged the bag down to my elbow, stuffed my wallet into the bag of foods and linked the bag onto my elbow and headed off towoards my shared apartment, taking note to be aware of the alley ways scattered about.
__ _____
I walked passed puddles of mud, I might have splashed around in some of them. Sometimes bumping or splashing citizens on accident, apologizing right away. Usually the only responce were. "It's okay." Grunts and, "watch where you're going."

Not this time though, this certain person I bumped into wanted to spill my guts, pull out my entrails and show them off to the world.

The one and only Anson. He believed he was still in elementy school, where he stole kids lunch money. Wow, what a steriotypical bully. Nothing changed.

"Are you blind?" The much taller man shouted, pusing me into one of the alley ways i have been trying to avoid completely.

He did change, appearance wise. He was no longer the little bean he was in elementy school, his body was well built. Clearly going to the gym once in a while, definitely over 6" or somewhere near that height.

He seemed to also be examining me. "(Y/n)." He seemed to reconize me. I retaliated in shock, how would somebody who barely even talked to me remember a clumsy idiot?

Anson let out a deep chuckle. "It's been a while huh?" He leaned down, getting all up in my face, his breath smelt of liquor, the foul stech overpowering the smell of vomit and trash. He's been drinking. "Remember when you would do anything for me?" His voice slurred slightly, confirming my thoughts. Is he even old enough? If not this is a case of under age drinking.

I nodded slowly, best not provoke him even more by talking back.

His hand pressed against the alley wall behind me, great, just great. I had to be cornered when I had milk with me and a hungry room mate back at home, probably drawing away on their tablet. Not knowing what I'm going through as of now, probably wouldn't even know what happened to me if I don't even show up.

"I need a place to stay." Anson slurred. I shudderd in disgust, his breath wafting into my face.

I tried to ignore the horrid smell. "I can't give you a place to stay." I resisted the urge to cover my face. I knew if I accepted letting him stay over, everything not so family friendly would happen and there is no way on earth I even want to preform those acts. "I don't have the room." I didn't exactly lie. Lilly had their stuff taking up the extra bedroom and they practically lived on the couch.

He seemed to get angry, my shaking hands gripped onto my sleeves, trting to keep my nercounsels from being visable. "How about I reprase that." He got even closer to me face, I have to say. I didn't think his breath could smell any worse than before, but my thought was proven wrong by 100%. "You will give me a place to stay."

I shook my head weakly. Pathetic.

"Why don't you do what I say anymore?" The man towered over me. I held my hands close to me, practically shaking in my boots a try to act calm.

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