Chapter 5: Pose For Me

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Oragami started to visit constantly, making me regret letting him walk me home that one time. But he insisted it was to help protect me, saying that i was accident prone or some other excuse just to see me again.

This specific day I was struggling with my drawings scribbling angerly in the paper and let out a stressed out grown, lilly has left hours prior for they had to attend to classes late into the night. Complaining as they left the door about how much they hated the classes, I knew that deep down Lilly didn't hate the 'stupid' classes.

If Lilly was still here I would have asked them for their opinion on what to draw.

I scibbled a little picture of Lilly on the bottom of my page untouched by the almost completely blacked out page. Their curls mixing in with the scribbles.

I furiously ripped the page out of my sketch book and thew it at my window. Only for a very sarcastic comment to be made.

"Wow, I just got here and your already throwing stuff at me?" I let out a huff, Oragami was standing outside my open window that lead to the emergency escape holding onto the peice of paper, looking at the scribbled page. "Looks great." he teased.

I didn't even bother rolling my eyes. I pulled my hair back and sighed. "I haven't been able to darw all day." He raised a curious brow.

"Usually you can draw something." He gestured to an open sketchbook from a prior day he was in my room, placong the ninja star in his hand ontl my desk. "You were in this same state, but you managed to produce this....." He picked it up, as if thinking of something nice to say about the forced drawing.


"Well, it's decent."

I pushed him playfully, what a jerk. "Hey, hey."He raised his hands up in defence, begging for me to stop abusing him. "What if I posed for you?" I rested my elbows on the desk in front of me, raising a curious brow.

Maybe it wasn't that bad of an idea, it was worth a shot. But it would be the first time drawing him when he's in the same room.

If Lilly knew that he suggested this...

I glanced over to my walls covered in drawings of him, I really need to clean that. Maybe I could fill in the empty spots with more accurate drawings.

"Alright." He perked up, i decided that i would deal with Lilly finding oUT about this later. "Go pose and I will get situated." He ran off into a direction and I swiveled around in my chair grabbing my sketch book and pencil.

I swiveled back around and we was doing an iconic hero pose, arms up as he hand one leg resting on the Ottoman, he seemed to be glowing happily as if he was waiming for this moment. I chuckled lightly, I lifted up the sketchbook, flipping to an empty page.

Almost completed with the drawing I could see his arms sagging slightly and I could hear soft snores emitting from behind his mask, sometimes they would stop and he would jolt up as if he was trying to stay awake.

"Hey." I called out to him. He jolted up and looked around nervously. "Do you need a break?" My voice came out more concerned than intended.

He shook his head no, and despite him wearing a mask. I could see how tired he was.

"It's fine, I can stay here."

"Go sit down." I waved him off. "I'm almost done anyways."

"All the more reason for me to stay posed." He inquired.

I squintend my eyes at him. Why was he so presistant?

I let out a defeated huff and mumbled angerly as I contenued to add the detail on the armour.

__ ____

The sun was long gone, the moon taking over the sky. Lighting up the stars and softly elimuninating the city bellow.

The drawing was finished and Oragami was asleep on the beanbag that rested next to my bed. I let out a exhausted huff as I looked at his sleeping form. He looked so relaxed and comfortable... I should wake him up.

I stood up from the swivle chair and stretched. My muscles cracked and popped like an old house that when you were a kid thought was haunted but parents told you that it was just the house settling.

He should probably go home.

I nealed down and nudged the man with my hand. "Oragami." I shook him a little. Forcing over a little bit he turned, mumbling something. "Hey, I think you should head home."

"Yeah?" He questioned in an exhausted, husky voice.

"Yeah, you're tired. I'm tired. You should head home before it gets way too late." I stood up from my nealing position. "And if Lilly sees you here when they return, their never going to let the fact that you visited me go."

That seemed to sink in when the front door of the place swung open. Oragami scrambled to get up, he jumped out the window with a Kurt goodbye and rushed to who knows where. I closed the window behind him.

"I'm home." Lilly called out.

I opened my bedroom door to see Lilly with a bag full of something, I couldnt look at it any longer for Lilly threw it into their room. I raised a brow and they just laughed nervously.

"What was that?"


I raised a brow, it seemed to break them.

"Fine, it was more Wilde Tiger stuff." They mumbled, rubbing their arms nervously. "But." Lilly rushed back into their room to grab the bah they threw into the mess.

Lilly returned with a small box. "They got some new Oragami stuff." Lilly handed it to me. "I figured you would like it." I smiled softly at lilly as I opened up the box, revealing a chibi Oragami cyclone.

"Thank you."

Lilly's face went from ebarassed to really happy, glowing like a lamp.

"But." Their face dropped. "You really disn't need to."

"I know...." They rummaged through the bag, trying to distract themselves. They grabbed onto something and instantly calmed down. "It's just that, I appreciate you alot." They smiled at the thing in their hand, pulling it out of the bag I reconized what it was. A small Tiger figurine. "I wanted to thank you for letting me be your roommate." They chuckled. "I know I can be messy, loud, annoying.... but you are still helping me out-"

I stopped Lilly before they could contenue with a hug. "I would always help you out." Lilly wrapped their arms around my back, whispering a soft thanks. "We're helping eachother." We pulled apart, lilly looked at me with a soft smile and entered their bedroom. Their door closed softly.

(1150 words)

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