Chapter 5: Memories

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Lilly sat in a dull park. The swings were missing children, the slides were adjacent and the springy sea horse sat rusting.

Letting out a deep sigh, lilly stood up from their spot on a green wooden bench. Probably has been there for years for the wood was rotting and giving way under neath their weight.

Curly hair was pulled back, along with the owners head. Drooping hazel eyes met with up chocolate brown ones that welcomed the poor soul sitting on the rotting green bench.

Lilly smiled at their friend. "Hello, Kotetsu." Their curly hair was let go, their hands instantly going up to fix it from its now stressed state.

"Did you see me on the news today?" He asked happily.

"Nope, I had school." Lilly lied, of course they watched Hero Tv today. Lilly always watches Hero Tv.

Kotetsu frowned. "Well you missed out on some pretty cool stunts." Lilly let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh really?" All he did was get in Barnaby's way and trip over his own feet. Lilly still found it quite ineresting.

He gave the shorter being a smug smirk, still oblivious to the knowledge they held.

"I was so cool." He fauned.

"I don't doubt that." Lilly hummed, pulling the old phone out of their pocket. Reading the screen, the light was dull but still made them squint. Straining to read the black letters.

Kotetsu went quite for a moment, looking down over Lilly's shoulder. He hummed softly. "Isn't it your father's birthday today?"

Lilly tensed up for a second, their thoughts running wild. 'How did kotetsu know?'

With alot of effort lilly relaxed their body and hummed softly in return, stiffly nodding in responce.

Father's birthday was a day lilly wasn't allowed to celebrate, when they were younger they snuck out of the house to meet up with him. It was a small party, but some family known hero's were there and some close relatives Lilly hardly knew. Or even remembers now.

Lilly's father introduced them to some of the hero's he worked with, that's how kotetsu met Lilly. It was an odd meeting.

"Yeah. It's his birthday."

"How about we visit his grave?" Kotetsu softly nuged their shoulder, getting a sigh in responce.

Lilly really didn't want to go, but Lilly had to. There was a gut feeling, telling them that they had too go. It was like the feeling you get when something might go bad, so you have to go or else it could end up in a terrible way.

Forcing themself up off of the old bench they were on kotetsu held out his hand, grabbing onto it, cold, fat stubby finger's wrapped around kotetsu's warm, long slim ones. Bringing Lilly into a content state.

____ _______

Lilly's hazel eyes read the oh so fimmilliar name carved into a comblestone grave stone.

"Hey, Joe." Kotetsu greeted the grave. Placing a yellow flower down onto the dark green grass. "We all miss you."

Lilly grunted softly. "I came to say, happy birthday." Lilly leaned down onto the grass, placing a tiger lily onto the spot before them. "I'm sorry for not visiting often." A glum look crossed their face. "Mom kicked me out again." Lilly rubbed a blade of grass with their index finger.

"This time she let me pack up."

Kotetsu looked down at Lilly with glazed over chocolate eyes.

"I got into the school I told you about 3 months ago." Lilly twirled to blade of grass around their fingers. "My mother told me that I wouldn't accomplish anything with my art." Lilly paused, they were choking back sobs. "But I swore I would prove her wrong."

Kotetsu patted Lillys head, their short messy curly hair being messed up even more.

Lilly, huffed out softly. "My friend let me stay with them." Lilly slumped forwards. "I've been staying there for about a month."

"They treat the kid like their own sibling." Kotetsu added.

Lilly smiled softly. "Yeah. Their my best friend."

Kotetsu smiled, seeing as the mood has changed slightly.

Lilly pulled their phone out of their pocket. The screen showing the time that was light up in big white numbers. Sighing Lilly stuck her phone into thier pocket. "I should head back." Lilly stood up from the ground. "It's getting late and I still need to run somewhere."

Kotetsu smiled at the grave stone. "Let's talk soon, friend."

The two of them stood by the grave silently.

Lilly turned on their heel, heading off into the direction of the exit. The wind roughly tugged at their jacket. Pulling it towoards the side.

Lilly sighed deeply standing next to the cold, metal gate. They glowed a soft yellow, teleporting out infront of an old, falling apart store that has been there for years.

Lilly walked into the brightly lit building and grabbed some useful things and clutter off of the shelves.

___ _______

Lilly stood outside the old apartment looking up at the old window that lead into (y/n)'s room. Squinting their eyes at the window.

The curtin was moved. (Y/n) never moves the curtin.

Glaring at the window Lilly noticed some movement of colour. With a quick motion Lilly teleported infront of the Door to their apartment place and kicked open the door.

Lilly stood their silently, listening. They heard the window open and close.

"Who?" Lilly hummed softly. Opening and closing the door, pretending they just got home.

Being greeting by (y/n) a breaking point for them. Lilly almost broke down, almost let out everything they were feeling into one long monolog. Instead al Lilly did was say how greatfull they were and clung onto their friend like a sad child.

After a bonding moment in the hallway Lilly opened their bedroom Door and entered the cold room that was oh so dark and cluttered with Wilde Tiger merch.

Looking down at the bag of stuff inside of their hands. With a content sigh Lilly flopped down onto their bed, flopping into the fluffy pillows that engulfed their body. Pulling them into a dark, dreamless slumber.

As their thoughts stopped swarming and mind stopped whirring, they could finally take a much needed rest.

(1035 words)

My Insperation (Oragami Cyclone X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora