Chapter 4: Why Do All Good Things Have To Come To An End?

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Ivan's pov

Barnaby and Kotetsu showed the buser our tickets, I watched the buser as he lifted up the Velvet rope and let the group of undisguised heros into the gala.

Once inside of the building i lost Kotetsu and Barnaby. I can't believe I already managed to lose them, we haven't even been here for a minute and I lost the ones I was going to keep to the entire evening. I wondered towards the snack bar, knowing that my friends would find me sooner or later.

"Ivan!" Lilly yelled happily waving at me from the crowd. dragging a poor innocent soul behind them. I nervously watched as they made their way to me, I waved back awkwardly. When Lilly and thier friend got up to me i was pulled into a bone crushing hug, I desperately clawed at their arms, begging for air.

"Hey, Lilly." I greated as my old friend let go of me, taking in the much needed air. I rubbed my neck anciously as i looked over to their friend that was awkwardly looking anywhere but at me. "Whose this?" I pointed to the nervous friend who seemed to panic even more. They waved awkwardly, rubbing the index finger and thumb on their other hand together.

Lilly was really excited. "This is (y/n)" Lilly linked their arms together, a smug smirk on their face that seemed to go unnoticed form their friend. "There my room mate." They smiled brightly, tugging on the nervous friend trying to get as close as possible to them.

My eyes widened in realisation. This was the person I saved the other night and Lilly must have been who they were talking to before they left.

Lilly unhooked their arms and pointed into my direction, i internally panoced. "And this, is Ivan." Lilly tried their best to resist another bone crushing hug, I really didn't want to be pulled back into another one of those. "We've been friends for about 3 years." Lilly's shoulders went back and the smile on their face widened, as if they were proud of that, like it was some type of accomplishment. I mean, it kind of was in Lilly's mind.

I found myself dragged into a conversation with Lilly. They were filling me in on something important, saying that they had to go meet up with someone but promised to be back later. Before they left Lilly gave me a thumbs up and a wink. I swirled my drink awkwardly, why was Lilly like this?

"Where'd they go?" (y/n) asked. I pointed into the direction the crazy ball of crazy curly hair jumped of to. They were conversing with Kotetsu, one of the guys I came here with. I frowned lightly, they abandoned me before i even got comfortable being in this environment.

I noticed how they were looking at the old man with a doubt full look. "That's kotetsu." I tried to make my voice come out loud. They gave me a small nod, still didn't seem to be reassured. "Don't worry, there safe with him." I looked into my drink and took a swig of the juice.

They gave me an unsure look. I chuckled lightly and genuinely smiled. "There been friends alot longer than you would think." My look wentered soft when I looked back at lilly and Kotetsu. Lilly found out his secret the day he met him, being so obsessed with Wilde Tiger Lilly managed to put two and two together. I still remember the shocked face when they managed to connect the rest of us with our hero selves.

"She must really like him huh?" (Y/n) inquired. I turned away from the two chatting away happily.

I chuckled, then I ended up bringing up a little thing Lilly and I joked about. "Did you know that Lilly says he has a Grandpa soul?"

"What?" (Y/n) gasped almost inaduable in the loud room."No they dont." They laughed softly, I was happy I managed to calm them down.

"No seriously it's true." I started to wave my hands around trying to prove my point. "He's like a clumsy grandparent." I let out an airy laugh. "He even gives those proud bear hugs when you do something good."

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