14 | A Greater Eye

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Song: "He's Here For Us" from Rogue One OST

Tovarskl's hazy gray atmosphere was the perfect hiding place for Yam'rii forces. Khetsuu had to commend them for that when his ship touched down on the small surface of the gas giant.

The atmosphere weighed heavily on his scales, and his breathing was labored and raspy. The fact that Bent, a brilliant tactician, had needed assistance told Khetsuu that this was a serious problem. He could almost feel the evil here, hissing like a serpent when it sinks its fangs into its victims.

He pressed his com. "Sk'ar. I'm here."

He was ripped off the ground and abruptly found himself staring at the blue-violet eyes of his old friend, hidden behind a facial veil. A great laugh coaxed its way out. "Sheelal! Reporting."

He ignored the nausea at the name Sheelal. "You needed assistance?"

"We can't see squat in this fog," his friend said, a frown in his voice. "I was hoping if you could find a way."

"It's hopelessly thick," Khetsuu admitted. "Can the Yam'rii see any better than us?"

A shrug. "Doubt it, but that won't stop 'em."

Khetsuu longed to talk all day to his brother-in-arms. To tell him that he was a father and that Shia was ill and that he was no longer Sheelal but Grievous, eternally Grievous, and ask about his recent contact with his wife. But they had a duty to do, so he pushed all these questions aside and made a mental note to ask about it once all of this was over....once they'd conquered Tovarskl.

"It's strange," Khetsuu said in a murmur, stretching out his hand. "This planet has nothing. Why would the Yam'rii want to colonize it?"

Bent's mouth lilted ruefully. "Got some good places for a military base, which is why we haven't taken it yet."

"Any reads on the terrain?"

Bent shook his head. The men could not see past a meter in front of them. All around, violet fog flowered the atmosphere, trapping them. This planet was a wasteland, a barren terrain, and the Yam'rii wanted it anyway.

Sounds like how they were when they invaded Kalee.

"Should we wait for them to find us?" Bent asked.

"Poor idea." He frowned. "Send another scout out-well-armed. Get a reading on how big this planet actually is."

"And then we wait?"

He shivered as the violet fog ebbed to hazy black. Perhaps night was falling on this world. He inhaled. "Yes, my friend."


As they rallied the kolkpravis and prepared to slug the door open, Khetsuu spoke to his friend. "Why didn't you check for underground bases beforehand?"

Bent sighed. "Didn't think of it. They're getting smarter. I fear they're getting help."

"That's exactly what Tikhél and I were thinking."

"Zogsukh!" Bent ordered the kolkpravis sternly. "Halt."

The kolkpravis obeyed his command. The silence was palpable enough that Khetsuu heard the whispers of the fleshy atmosphere. But amidst that noise came a chilling click-click-click from below. The sound that had haunted him from the day he was born.

He pulled out his slugthrower, loading it. "Snipers," he said. "On my mark."

The soldiers loaded their rifles. The sound made a loud snap-pop in the cool air of Tovarskl.

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