36 | I Have Nothing

83 10 16

Song: "Return to Tatooine" from Attack of the Clones OST

The ship's landing gear screeched against the dirt-paneled space of Kalee, and Ronderu exited, trying to control her tears. "Goodbye. Thank you for everything....even if we parted on poor terms."

"Wait," Arna said. "I have a few gifts for you." He brought out a bag. "Take these with you."

"What's in here?"

"You'll see," he said, nodding and entering his ship. Even as she backed away, the repulsorlifts led the ship gently into the air, and within seconds, the ship of the Jedi was a speck in the Kaleesh night skies.


She walked to a nearby bench, grateful that her cybernetics were hidden from the organicist citizens of Kalee, and opened the bag. Her karabbac mask, which she carefully fastened on again; her "not-lightsabers" (how Arna had recovered them after the encounter with Dooku was beyond her), which she tucked into her uniform; the furs she'd worn to Kalee with him, along with that beautiful headpiece. And lastly, thirty credits, which would translate into the Kaleesh khuvi system easily.

She clutched the credits, speaking to a rigid security guard who carried a pair of Shoni spears. "Burkhan nartai," she greeted quietly. "Do you have a public transportation terminal somewhere around here?"

He tilted his head. "Are you an immigrant to Kalee? I saw you exit that Mandalorian ship."

"No. I am a native-born, one of you."

"May I see identification?"

"I....I wasn't registered," she said. "But I was a khaneme. Perhaps a government vehicle can transport me to the hall."

"Ma'am, conclave isn't for another year. Do you have a friend waiting for you?"

A swallow. "The khagan, Khetsuu."

He cast a pitying glance. "What is your name, at least?"

She leaned close, slipped a few credits into his palm. "Ronderu. Rest of it's not important."

He stared at the credits as if they were solid gold, then at her masked face. "Burkhadaar....I'll be...."

She slipped off her mask briefly. "Recognize this face?"

"Everyone's...." he swallowed. "Everyone's thinking you were dead, my lady. I didn't realize....it's almost too good to be true...."

"Just take me to the Kaleela hall," she said. "Please....take me to see him."

"I understand, my lady," he said. "Come with me."


The ride, which took place in the guard's wagon, ended in a few minutes as they came upon the redwood lodge in which her love resided. It had undergone many renovations since she had been here—perhaps for his wives.

She closed her eyes, allowed her respirator to breathe for her as she gazed upon that lodge. He would have already left it by now if they had married, and they would be away from the public eye.

How things have changed, my friend.

"Your exit is here, Khaneme," he said. "Only be careful, please."

"Don't worry," she said. "I'll be fine." But she was not so sure she believed those words herself as she exited, bringing her bag with her. She had only a few small possessions to her name. Had Qymaen kept her belongings after her supposed death? Or did his wives now own them, just as they owned him?

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