31 | Carannia

100 8 32

Song: "Princess Leia's Theme" from A New Hope OST

AMAZING fanart of Ronderu lij Kummar, by DragonWriter664!!! :D

The jungle city of Carannia, Serenno was a painful reminder of Kalee, except that the colors here were so much more flushed and vibrant. The primarily human population—though she spotted a few Twi'leks and Chiss—bustled about, conducting business. The city was quiet, peaceful, and happier than Kalee would probably ever be.

Now this, Ronderu thought, is how a leader should govern his people.

Arna breathed in the fresh air. "Serenno's an independent system—one of those secessionist places. That's why we're investigating."

"Might not want to say that so loudly here," she observed coolly. "The people seem to like him."

A metallic voice spoke from behind them. "Excuse me, visitors. Arna Gray?"

"Yes," Arna said. "Count Dooku's personal droid?"

Ronderu turned around. The droid was a bland protocol unit, silver-hued, and yet she got the impression that the count was watching them even through its eyes. "And you have a lady friend!"

"A business partner," Arna corrected, passing their bags to its hands. "Does the count want me to park my ship nearer to home?"

"No need," the droid replied, gesturing to a speeder nearby. "I will take you there."


The keep of Serenno stood from amidst a great deal of trees and plants, an enormous silver rocket amidst a brush of endless forest but swaggering firm and almost cruel from its place. A jade-colored window stood in the top of the area, and the silhouette of a desk and chair winked at the foreigners from inside.

She was jarred out of her thoughts by the figure of an old man strolling gracefully from the doors, meeting them along the path. He was at least seventy, yet he did not hobble as he moved. His salt-and-pepper beard shifted with his smile. "Welcome to my abode, young Gray. It has been too long."

"Perhaps," Arna said, steeliness in his voice. "Forgive me, Count. You didn't mention the grandeur of your keep."

"Words cannot describe the pride I have for my citizens, yet they do not speak of the beauty of this place nearly as periodically as they should," the count chuckled. "Who will accompany us this evening?"

"Ru san Jinn," Ronderu piped in before Arna could do it for her.

"Ru san Jinn," Dooku repeated, his hands working to open the door. "I seem to recall the Mandalorians boasting of their Kaleesh prisoner. The khagan would not be pleased if he knew."

It would have been strange that a Republic-dweller and former Jedi would understand the Kaleesh governmental structure, except that he had helped organize it. He had formed the Dynastic Republic of Kalee, making him a living legend. She smiled softly; she had met one of the heroes straight out of the tales of old.

They followed him to a moderately large bedroom, where Arna rested their luggage against the wall. He cleared his throat. "I'm going to head back to the spaceport, see if the ship could use some fuel."

"You didn't check up on it earlier?" Ronderu asked, crossing her arms indignantly.

"I didn't think to," Arna said. "I apologize, Count. I will be back shortly."

"Not to worry," the man said with the wave of an aging hand, and Arna left the room. A pit settled in Ronderu's stomach; she wished desperately that she could run away. Something in Dooku's dark eyes suddenly made her nervous....

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