Sirens' Power

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The vibrations in the air thickened, almost sounding like the tap of a Chakra bowl. Notes danced across pages that had been caught by the ringing breeze, they scattered and spilled, music forever changing. Running water was no longer the soothing sound once heard in meditational style music and piano was seen as 'The Siren's Curse', some people wished to peruse a music career but that only lead them down the path of switching with a Siren. The world's stress balance had shifted to become unbalanced and to eventually become the permanent reality of everyone and everything that stood in the midst of that stress. With music, one of the most common forms of meditation, being almost non existent nowadays that once even scale has shifted and the Sirens were the creatures at the top of the food chain.

You may be confused as to why this creature, 'The Siren', is being mentioned so much, some may even ask what they are or why they're seen as bad. A Siren is a creature of sound. They lure out humans with their song and place a kiss upon the lips of the one being lured in order to gain humanity, said human will never be who they were before. No more memories and no more humanity, the 'human' will become a Siren in turn for the Siren to become a human. This process repeats and every single Siren has one goal.


Acanon is a small town a little North from the East coast of Holgar, housing approximately 700 people the village is rather small and sparsely populated. For this reason alone Scylla, a 14 year old flower shop employee, wants to leave and meet the sailors in Galway. These sailors are known for travelling all the way across the seven seas just to find Sirens, however, most believe the Sirens are fairy tales, myths if you must. Scylla is not one of those people, her heart is set on meeting a Siren and she will do whatever it takes to reach her destination even if it means becoming cursed, she believes her heart will tell her of her past when she loses the only things important to her and who she is.

Little does she know, no human can escape the Sirens curse once it is inflicted on them.

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