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The light of the morning peered from underneath the creamy coloured curtains, my body was well rested but I still didn't want to be awoken, the pain of the last two nights was far too much for me to bare and I didn't even need to open my eyes to remember. My hips were swollen from where they had been gripped too hard and my neck felt as if it was on fire, I was expecting to see a purpley blue mess when I prepared for the day.

I turned away from the window and onto my back, opening my eyes in the process of doing so. My wooden ceiling was practically staring me in the face, it seemed to taunt me and show me the people who I didn't trust, though I guess that wasn't anything new to me. I sat up to get away from the taunts of the ceiling, I swung my legs over the edge and placed my dark feet onto the dark wooden floor, my feet almost blending in. Moving over to my wardrobe; I decided to dress into a white off the shoulder top; a pale blue, loose, ankle length skirt that reminded me of the sea and a black corset. 

My mirror showed me what I didn't want to see, a litter of colour across the left side of my neck as I tied my aqua blue hair into a French braid which went to the side to cover the hickeys on my neck, my eyes shone a shade much like a begonia. Picking up the flower basket from beside my couch, I make my way to the front door and walk out. Going flower picking always calmed me down, but I had never been alone, Furze had always gone with me but I didn't need him anymore. 

The pathway leading past the river was dark with dirt and the mud had seemed to have been washed up onto the path as well as part of the river. The water seemed dark compared to what it was yesterday, the blue had been replaced with swampy green water and it made my day a little more miserable than it already was, I would have to clean it out later. Walking along the path gave me the undying urge to become one with the water and yet this was the easiest part of the journey, moving past the men in the village was not remotely easy as they all either gave a look that screamed rape or they attempted to touch me in a manor that a woman shouldn't be touched without consent and I certainly didn't give consent. Coming up to the fountain in the town square of Acanon I spotted a familiar dark skinned, gold eyed man, his face looked as if it was frozen in a depressive state. The water in the fountain was also a muddy swamp colour and people seemed to gather round it in confusion, the men didn't seem interested in the women at that moment in time and so I took it as my opportunity to get to the clearing in the forest on the outskirts of town. I didn't manage to get very far before Furze came up to me attempting to apologise for last night, telling me that it wasn't him and of course I didn't believe him and continued on my journey to the forest. 

After about 20 minutes of walking, the sea was in sight, it too looked a murky green and hundreds of fish lay floating dead at the top of the water. I moved closer to take a look over the edge of the cobbled bridge besides the ocean, the fish just sat there, lifeless. 

My arm went limp and my stomach churned, my basket dropped to the ground and I stood on the railing of the bridge. I could hear faint singing come from the water and I moved forwards to the edge of the bridge, my body moving on its own. The railing was wet and I slipped, falling straight into the water, my body didn't even think about holding its breath before I hit the water. My throat tightened from lack of air and swallowing water was the only thing I could do, I began choking and the singing became louder until it was in ears. Two webbed hands wrapped around my shoulders and spun me around to face the person who has sung me into the sea, I immediately recognised the face as my vision blurred. It was the woman from my dream, or rather my foreseeing of the future. She continued singing, her brown hair flowing above her head and her red eyes piercing into my heart, she smiled wide and leaned in closer and yet my body wouldn't move. 

I could lose everything and my body wouldn't move.

The Siren got even closer and our lips connected, a small bliss spread through my stomach and yet my heart clenched with fear, my body didn't know how to feel and so it didn't. I lay motionless and floating in the water, two legs began kicking violently and you could hear someone struggling. I opened my eyes and saw a girl, one that I had never seen before. She was kicking and pushing the water with pale hands and legs and her mouth opened and closed with no sound coming out. The water seemed to grip at her throat and drag her down, almost as a punishment, as if she had disobeyed the sea. She continued struggling and I just sat there, watching and unmoving.

After a couple of minutes, she went limp, her chest didn't rise and fall and her body seemed to sink. I decided to see if I could help her and pulled her body towards the surface of the water, my eyes slightly peered over the surface and I watched her to see if she would do anything. Seconds passed and she began coughing, her eyes shot open in alarm and she started kicking. Her fast movements shocked me and I let go of her body, this time she was left floating whilst moving around searching for some form of land.

Watching her, I noticed that she was naked. Her pale body wasn't covered with clothing and her natural beauty lay exposed to the world down under the water. Thinking of her exposure to others made a feeling arise in my stomach and spots of anger hit my sight leaving red spots in my vision.

I put my arms around her waist and brought her to land, I sat like a stranded whale. I dragged myself onto a rock and sat up watching her. I took of the drenched, white off the shoulder shirt and threw it towards her so she could save part of her dignity and privacy. She looked up at me with brown hair sticking to her wet face, her expression was not what I expected. She looked upset and confused,

"Y..You..Why..H..How?" she took a second to compose herself and spoke again, "Do you remember anything?" confusion seemed to lace her voice and her eyes began to tear up.

"No? What are you talking about?" I looked at her with a nervous smile, did I miss something?

"B..But, you were human.. I was told that kissing a human would make me human but I was never told that the human would become siren.. What have I done..?" she sat on the golden sand panicking her life away whilst the tide came in closer to us. The words she had spoken previously made no sense to me at all.

"W...What's a kiss?" a gasp escaped her mouth, she seemed shocked.

"A kiss is an action where someone uses their lips to touch someone else's, it's a sign of love.." she gripped her shirt that clung to her chest with water, she looked as if she was in some form of pain, "What is this feeling? Why have I never felt this before?" she took a second to think, "It must be what the poseidon warned me of, human emotions"

"Mind telling me what in the name of the ocean you're talking about?" she shook her head,

"No, I can't. You can't know of the horrors of the world.. I won't let you get hurt too. Now you must leave before someone sees you, they'll send the hunters for you, I've seen them.." she started ushering me away and stopped in realisation of something that again, I wasn't aware of, "Wait, before you go. Stay around the bridge, I'll come and see you tonight to explain everything and by the way, your name is Scylla. It's fitting more now than it was before..."

With that, we parted ways, the mysterious woman went up to a small pathway atop a hill and I went to the water to be alone with my thoughts.

Water's Light   #LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now