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Who knew such horrifying things existed, my neck was stained and littered in purpley-blue bruises that looked as if they would become tainted like the soul of the man who created them. I ran my hands over my less than silk bed sheets as I thought my life away, all the men in Acanon are absolute horrors with no human decency or knowledge of feelings. Well, all except one. Whilst thinking, a light knock was rested upon the door to my home above the flower shop.

The flower shop ranged from Wisterias all the way to Hydrangeas, each flower was unique and symbolised so many different things. For example, the Cedar Leaf means 'Think of Me', isn't that sweet and oh! Mixed Zinnias symbolise 'the thought of an absent friend'. Each plant and each flower is completely different and links to so many different topics. Thinking of these flowers calms me down after any form of stress in the flower shop/village, in a way it's a coping mechanism for me. Sometimes, when I want to smell the flowers from the field, Furze will take me and keep the guards away from me. Furze is also a flower, his name symbolises 'anger' but he doesn't. When it comes to people, Furze is among the calmest of people I know, however, people do say that quietest are the ones who snap first. I feel as if Furze would be the type to snap but merely because of the mistreating of his friends/family.

Standing up with wobbly legs was certainly a challenge, my legs felt like jelly from running for my dignity, my hips seemed to buck at every movement due to lack of feeling in said area and I wasn't quite sure if I would make it all the way to the door. The knock was repeated but slightly louder this time, a voice called out from behind the door, it was slightly higher than the average male,

"C'mon Scyll! It's raining out here.." he let out a slight groan. As I got closer to the door I could hear the rain pounding against the muddy ground, I flung open the light beech wood door and immediately my legs gave way. Eventually I was laying collapsed on the floor in front of one of the most important people in my life. You could see in Furze's shiny golden eyes that he was panicking, his face soon came to react with his eyes and he rushed over to me. He flailed his tanned arms in every direction as he asked a million questions per second, 

"Furze, it's not a big deal," I said as he continued rambling on, "really, it's not that huge of a deal, it just takes some walking to wear away.." 

"Are you kidding me?" he said, "What even happened to you? What if the damage is permanent?" Furze continued rambling and questioning my every word and my appearance, the shocking thing is that he hadn't yet realised that I had hickeys littered across my neck and honestly, I'm glad he hadn't. He would never stop questioning me, besides, he would look at me in a different way than before.


"You're hurt!"


"Was it the guards again? I told you to come and get me!"



Silence fell upon both of us as the door slammed shut from the force of the wind, Furze's gaze was set upon a newly placed pot of flowers on my dining table. My gaze continued to lay on his expression as his eyes dulled and facial expression dropped.

"So.. Uhm.." Furze attempted to begin a conversation and cut the tension laying in the silent air, "Who are the flowers from?"

"That's actually why I asked you to come over, I have no idea who they're from, they were placed on my dining table with an apology note when I returned home last night.."

"That's odd..." I agreed with him whilst moving my gaze towards the light beech table to the left hand side of the door. An arrangement of roses, carnations and chrysanthemums make a pretty bouquet but an odd combination due to their meanings. Roses and pink carnations lay under the sense of love and romance but where I'm from a chrysanthemum represents death.. Either this person was not aware of the importance of meaning and took the pretty flowers or they are doing some form of threatening or intimidation. The bouquet was placed in a long clear vase so the stems could be seen amongst the soil and water that was placed in the bottom of the glass, it was truly a beautiful sight, however, the combination still had me puzzled.

The hammering of the rain coming down came to an end and Furze was sat on the small couch in the living room with a small fluffy towel, he sat drying his hair whilst he looked deep in thought. I sat on my knees by the front door attempting to dry up the floor that had been hit by the rain from outside. Upon Furze arriving at my home he told me about a flood warning he had heard, people are advised to stay indoors.

Furze had changed into a pair of clothes that he had left at my place previously, it consisted of a khaki tunic and a pair of brown trousers. He let out a low sigh and lay on the couch whilst placing the towel over the side. I myself was wearing a black gown with a silver chain which brought a cinch to my waist, but I guess that was good. 


The sound came from behind the door and Furze shot up. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I didn't answer and stayed quiet, I signalled for Furze to do the same. The banging continued and a man's voice could be heard, this voice frightened me to the bone. It was the voice of Aleksander, he continued banging, Furze had a strong scowl plastered on his face and you could see the anger rise up every second. He stood up and moved over to the door, he opened it and immediately walked out and closed it behind him. Anxiety rose in my gut and my body shook with memories of the night before, nowadays I was terrified of Aleksander and never wanted to face him again. But soon enough I wouldn't need to.

The air seemed as if it was ringing in my ears, this ringing became more high pitched and it seemed as if someone was screaming into my ears. The world around me began to blur and unwanted thoughts filled my head. Soon the room went black and a searing pain shot through my head.

Water's Light   #LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now